Jan 11 – 14, 2020
Africa/Cairo timezone



Non-vanishing neutrino masses and the existence of non-baryonic Dark Matter (DM) represent the only two firm observational evidences of new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Proposed neutrino species can also in principle constitute the bulk of the dark matter. They may moreover leave different signatures on astrophysical scales than the hitherto standard WIMP-based cold dark matter. As the parameter space for the latter is increasingly constrained experimentally, such alternates become more relevant, along with others such as the lately topical ultra-light axions.

       The NDM-2020 aims to be a forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas regarding the particle phenomenology, astrophysical signatures and experimental constraints related to those two fundamental and actively studied issues in particle and astroparticle physics, namely neutrinos and dark matter, and their possible connections. It follows and expands on the topics published recently in a Special Issue published by Letters in High Energy Physics (LHEP) by Andromeda Publishing and Academic Services.

      In this context, it is organized by Andromeda press, in cooperation with the Center for Fundamental Physics at Zewail City of Science and Technology and Center for Theoretical Physics at the British University in Egypt. It will be held at Hilton Hotel, Hurgada, Egypt, on January 11-14, 2020.


  • Mary Bishai:                      Neutrino Physics Experiments
  • Matteo Franchini:             DM Search at the LHC
  • Amr El-Zant:                      Neutrino and DM Astrophysics
  • Arunansu Sil                     Theory of Neutrinos
  • Cem Un                              DM and BSM 


Hilton Hotel