Jan 11 – 14, 2020
Africa/Cairo timezone


NDM 2020 conference proceedings will be published in Andromeda Conference Proceedings http://www.andromedapublisher.com/ACP/. All speakers are kindly requested to submit their manuscripts not later than the 31st of March. The number of pages for talks with 30 minutes are 5 pages and those with 20 or 15 minutes are 3 pages.

The manuscripts will be refereed by the following conveners, 

1- Mary Bishai: Neutrino Experiment.

2- Matteo Franchini: LHC and DM Experiments.

3- Arunansu Sil: Theory of Neutrinos and Early Universe.

4- Amr El-Zant: Neutrino and DM Astrophysics.

5- Cem Un:  DM and BSM of Particle Physics.

Please write your manuscript using the Andromeda proceedings template, then send it to cfp@zewailcity.edu.eg and CC skhalil@zewailcity.edu.eg and amoursy@zewailcity.edu.eg.