27–31 Jan 2020
Tbilisi State University
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

A Practical Introduction to Particle Tracking

27 Jan 2020, 14:45
Building I, Room 317 (Tbilisi State University)

Building I, Room 317

Tbilisi State University

1 Chavchavadze Av., Tbilisi, Vake district


Moritz Kiehn (Universite de Geneve (CH))


KF, CKF, GBL, MillePede, and it goes on ... . Do you feel a bit lost in all the acronyms? Not sure what it all means? Fear not, this handy introduction will safely guide you through the world of particle tracking.

Tracking detectors are at the core of most particle physics experiments. Consequently, efficient and precise particle tracking becomes an important step during reconstruction. Excellent tracking capabilities are often crucial both for physics analysis, e.g. at the LHC, and for testbeam measurements. This talk will review some of the basic algorithms for particle tracking and related issues.

Primary author

Moritz Kiehn (Universite de Geneve (CH))

Presentation materials