Software & Data Acquisition Tools
- Daniel Hynds (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
Software & Data Acquisition Tools
- Simon Spannagel (CERN)
Corryvreckan is a modular test beam data reconstruction and analysis framework developed within the CLICdp collaboration. Its modular structure allows for a separation between the framework core and the implementation of the algorithms in each module. This allows users to ‘plug-in’ the wanted modules and configure their parameters easily from one configuration file. The software is written in...
An example of a successful integration in the eudaq2 environment of a readout board developed and used at the joint CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS) along LHC Run 2 is presented. It allows to perform an online event matching between the DUT signals, digitised with a sampler chip (SAMPIC), and the EUDET telescope. To assess the activity of the system during the tests of this new...
Developing a new silicon detector requires significant effort for preparing the readout hardware and software for the prototype to be operated in the laboratory and test beams. The aim of the Caribou DAQ system is to significantly reduce the manpower and cost of developing such a system from scratch for every new chip. By utilizing modern system-on-chip (SoC) platforms, it combines...
The Beamline for Schools (BL4S) competition is a worldwide competition targeted at teams of high school students. The winning teams are invited to travel to a research institute and perform their proposed experiments in a real test beam setup. The first five years the experiments were performed at CERN, but in 2019, due to the ongoing shutdown at CERN, the experiments were performed at the...