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Exploration of Particle Physics and Cosmology with Neutrinos Workshop2019

from Wednesday 12 June 2019 (12:00) to Friday 14 June 2019 (13:10)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
12 Jun 2019
13 Jun 2019
14 Jun 2019
A04 (until 10:15) ()
09:00 Recent progress of Simons Array experiment - Daisuke Kaneko (Univ. of Tokyo)   ()
09:25 GroundBIRD - GB NOW - Osamu TAJIMA (KEK)   ()
09:50 Readout electronics for CMB experiments - Junya Suzuki (Kyoto University)   ()
10:15 --- Break ---
B02 (until 11:52) ()
10:35 Nuclear emulsion production facility - Hiroki ROKUJO (Nagoya University)   ()
11:00 Improvement of the Nuclear Emulsion Detector - Akira Nishio   ()
11:25 Neutrino projects with Nuclear Emulsion - Tomoko Ariga (Kyushu University)   ()
11:37 Peripheral projects with Nuclear Emulsion - Osamu Sato (Nagoya University (JP))   ()
A02 (until 10:15) ()
09:00 T2K Physics status and prospect - Ajimi Ali (Kyoto University)   ()
09:25 J-PARC MR power upgrade toward the higher neutrino beam - Aine Kobayashi (University of Tokyo (JP))   ()
09:50 NINJA experiment and Neutrino cross sections - Tsutomu Fukuda (Toho university)   ()
10:15 --- Break ---
C02 (until 11:50) ()
10:35 Syndetic Extension of Baryon and Lepton Numbers - KOJI TSUMURA (Kyoto University)   ()
11:00 Promising processes with charged lepton flavor violation in muonic atoms - Yuichi Uesaka (Saitama University)   ()
11:25 COMET Data Analysis with Deep Learning - Joe Sato (Saitama University)   ()
Other Projects 3 (until 12:20) ()
11:50 LHCにおける長寿命中性レプトンの探索 - Susumu Oda (Kyushu University (JP))   ()
12:05 Development of a large cheap photon detector with an excellent time resolution - Kodai Matsuoka (Nagoya University)   ()
12:00 --- Registration ---
13:00 Opening address - Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto University)   ()
A01 (until 14:35) ()
13:20 Super-Kamiokande の有効体積拡張と陽子崩壊探索 - Akira Takenaka (ICRR)   ()
13:45 Super-Kamiokande / Hyper-Kamiokande の大気ニュートリノ解析の展望 - Roger Wendel (Kyoto University)   ()
14:10 Hyper-kamiokande のエレクトロニクス、データ収集システム開発 - Yousuke Kataoka (University of Tokyo (JP))   ()
Other Projects (until 15:05) ()
14:35 Asymmetry of electron chirality between enantiomeric pair molecules and the origin of homochirality in nature - Masato Senami (Kyoto University)   ()
14:50 Direct Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Acceleration Limit in Supernovae - Yoichi Asaoka (Waseda University (JP))   ()
15:05 --- Break ---
C01 (until 16:45) ()
15:25 Neutrinos, Cosmological Constant, and Number Theory - Taizan Watari (IPMU, Tokyo)   ()
15:55 Oscillating Composite Asymmetric Dark Matter - Ryo Nagai (University of Tokyo, ICRR)   ()
16:20 Baryon asymmetry of the universe via GeV-scale right-handed neutrinos - Shintaro Eijima   ()
Other Projects 2 (until 17:15) ()
16:45 Late-time entropy production and neutrino oscillation in the early Universe - Kazunori Kohri (KEK)   ()
17:00 Towards total neutrino mass constraints through multi-wavelength gravitational lensing measurements - Hironao Miyatake (Nagoya University)   ()
Invited talk (until 18:00) ()
17:15 Toward new frontiers : Encounter and synergy of state-of-the-art astronomical detectors and exotic quantum beams - Shinji Okada   ()
19:00 --- Banquet ---
12:00 Chief Office (Sou-katsu-han) meeting   ()
12:00 --- Lunch ---
A03 (until 14:35) ()
13:20 Toward precise modeling of atmospheric neutrinos and cosmic ray interactions - Yoshitaka Ito (Nagoya University (JP))   ()
13:45 High Energy Tau Neutrinos with IceCube - Lu Lu (Chiba University)   ()
14:10 Status of IceCube-Gen2 Phase1 (aka IceCube Upgrade) - Aya Ishihara (Chiba University)   ()
14:35 --- Break ---
B01 (until 16:10) ()
14:55 Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay and XeGasTPC Development - Shuhei Obara (Kyoto University)   ()
15:25 AXEL – MPPC response and readout, and detection of positive ion - Kazuhiro Nakamura (CERN)   ()
15:45 Formation of Strong Drift Field with Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier in a High-Pressure Xenon Gas TPC - Masashi Yoshida   ()
Quickfire (until 16:45) ()
Poster (until 18:00) ()
12:20 Review of young meeting - Yosuke Suzuki   ()
12:30 Closing remarks - Osamu Sato (Nagoya University (JP))   ()