The goal of this programme is to put together theorists working on various aspects of precision physics, such as effective field theory, loop corrections, and lattice field theory. The concrete topics to be discussed are flavor transitions of light and heavy mesons or baryons, nuclear beta and double beta decays, electric dipole moments, baryon number violation, and low-energy parity violation. We will discuss possible improvement of theoretical description of precision observables, so as to increase sensitivity to new physics. The emphasis will be on experts' discussions, with a small number (2-3 hours per day) of scheduled talks.
The workshop receives support from Département P2I de l'Université Paris-Saclay, programme d'attractivité "Emilie du Châtelet" du LabEx P2IO, GDR Intensity Frontier, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d’Orsay, L'Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay, and Laboratoire de L'accélérateur Linéaire.