Mar 1 – 13, 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone



The PREFIT school offers PhD students and early-career investigators a complete toolset for precision physics at the LHC, present and future. It brings together students from both experimental and theoretical physics, and spans theoretical foundations of effective field theory and precision calculations, modern experimental techniques, data fitting algorithms and machine learning techniques applied to precision analyses in high-energy physics. Lectures by high-profile teachers alternate with hands-on sessions led by well-renowned experts of the fields. Under the supervision of the experts, students will practice in small groups the newly acquired skills.

The school is organised by two COST Networks: ParticleFace and VBSCan, dedicated to unveiling new physics at the precision frontier and to creating an closely-interconnected community of VBS experts. The networks offer a wide range of contacts and career opportunities for students and postdocs.

The participation in the school is free of charge, and, for a large proportion of the participants, funds will be available to finance the travel and living costs. The required materials, including registration, CV and reference letter, will have to be provided by December 1st to be included in the first round of selections for the grants allocation. Grants will be distributed according to academic achievement and development potential, as well as considerations based on COST inclusiveness policies.

UK related information (29/10/19): "The UK government has addressed the potential impact of a no-deal Brexit on COST Actions by issuing a government guarantee. The UK government has committed to provide funding for eligible UK participation in COST Actions until the end of 2020. For UK participation in COST Action activities, the guarantee will cover reimbursement of travel expenses for meetings, training schools and short-term scientific missions. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will administer expenses claims for UK participation in COST."

Registration is open until December 13th (for students not applying for funding).






Organising Committee:

Senka Duric, Pietro Govoni, Andreas Meyer, Jürgen Reuter
Vittorio del Duca, Beate Heinemann, Borut Kersevan, Predrag Milenovic, Sven-Olaf  Moch, Chara Petridou, Fotis Ptochos, Ivica Puljak, Daniela Rebuzzi, German Rodrigo, Heidi Rzehak, Wouter Waalewijn, Marco Zaro, George Zoupanos

Seminarroom 4
Registration for this event is currently open.