Mar 1 – 13, 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Corona virus information

Updated February 28 2020

Corona virus information

Full and regularly updated information from the WHO can be found here.

Information from the German Ministry of Health is available here.

The Robert Koch Institute is the German government’s central scientific institution in the field of biomedicine. It provides risk assessment for Germany.

In case the travel ban or quarantine is announced by the regional or national authorities, then the participants eligible for COST reimbursement can submit their official notification as a supportive document for the derogation request. The COST policy of Force Majeure, which foresees reimbursements of already sustained expenses, will apply for the students selected to receive a grant for attending the school.

Current situation - Germany

There have been several corona virus infections within Germany, mostly from people that have visited Italy before. They are in different federal states. At the moment the risk for infection inside Germany is considered to be small.

No travel restrictions to enter Germany.

DESY Conferences

Please note that there are no restrictions for travel inside Germany as of now, or to the state of Hamburg. DESY has no restrictions regarding conferences or meeting on campus, nor are there any special precautions for visitors to enter the campus.


Current information and instructions on DESY's handling of the Coronavirus/COVID-19: 


1. The Directorate is following the events closely and in consultation with DESY's Medical Officer Dr. Bünz. Recommendations will be adjusted on a daily basis if necessary.
2. We ask all employees to carefully observe the general rules of hygiene (keep your distance, hand hygiene, avoid smear infections of the face).
3. We urge you to refrain from travelling into the official risk areas (see below for definition).

4. Returnees from risk areas (see below for definition) are asked to contact the local health authority. The local health authority will carry out a risk assessment and, if necessary, arrange for a serological test. Symptom-free persons can usually return to their place, as long as they have had no direct contact with infected persons. In case of any health problems (cough, fever, general symptoms), you should NOT return to your workplace or work from home until clarification.
5. You can contact the DESY Medical Service (-2171) for further information and in order to clarify personal questions.
6. The latest information on the situation in Germany and the definition of risk areas can be found at

Risk areas according to the Robert Koch Institute as of 26.02.20, updated at

In China: Hubei Province (incl. the City of Wuhan) and the Cities of Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Taizhou in Zhejiang Province.
In Iran: Ghom Province.
In Italy: Province of Lodi in the Region of Lombardy and the town of Vo in the Province of Padua in the Region of Veneto.
In South Korea: Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (North Gyeongsang).