Swampland Conjectures have attracted quite some interest in the Cosmological Community. They have been shown to have wide ranging implications , like Constraints on Inflationary Models, Primordial Black Holes, Dark Energy to name a few. Particularly, their implications on Single Field Inflationary Models in General Relativity Based Cosmology has gathered huge attention. Swampland Conjectures in their usual form have been shown to be incompatible with these kind of Single Field Models, or have been shown to induce severe Fine Tuning in these Inflationary Models for them to be consistent with the Conjectures. In this work, we show that a Large Class of Single Field Inflationary Models can in fact bypass the problems faced by Inflationary Paradigms in GR Based Cosmology. We use the Exact Solution Approach to Inflation for the same purpose and show how String Theoretic Motivations of the Swampland Conjectures can be in perfect symphony with various Single Field Inflationary Models in Modified Cosmological Scenarios.