Higgs-Sparticle Inflation In The MSSM

19 May 2021, 14:15
Cosmology Cosmology 1


Zurab Tavartkiladze (Ilia State University)


Without any extension of the MSSM, we build the model of inflation in which the inflaton field is a scalar component of the MSSM state(s).
The inflaton protential involves only MSSM Yukawa superpotential couplings, which make considered model very predictive, establishing close connection between the cosmology and particle physics.
The values of the scalar spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio are predicted to be ns≃0.966 and r=0.00118. The postinflation reheating of the Universe proceeds by the decay of the inflaton with the reheating temperature around 10^7 GeV.
Some phenomenological implications will be also discussed.


Zurab Tavartkiladze (Ilia State University)

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