In this article, I have re-investigated the CP invariants relevant at low energy, for all the seven viable ansatze of texture two zero neutrino mass matrix viz. \textbf{A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4 }and \textbf{C}, in the flavour basis. It is found that CP invariance for ansatze \textbf{A1, A2, B3, B4} suffices for model to be CP invariant, and in addition, the CP properties, which is defined through the imaginary part of the quartet of elements of neutrino mass matrix, for all the viable ansatz have common origin. The analytical relations of CP invariants in terms of physically measurable parameters have been presented, and subsequently shown that measurable CP phases are not separable. Assuming the neutrinos to be Dirac particle, some useful analytical expressions of Jarlskog rephasing parameter have been deduced in terms of Dirac CP phase for each viable ansatz. In the end, I have calculated the CP invariants for each viable ansatz in the light of neutrino oscillation data and studied the implications for the same.