Primordial Black Holes and warm dark matter constraints

19 May 2021, 14:15


Auffinger Jérémy (Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis - Lyon - FRANCE)


Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) formed in the early universe could have an impact on all cosmological era from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis to the Cosmic Microwave Background and even galaxy formation, thus they are subject to a very stringent set of constraints over an extended mass range from $10^9$ to $10^{50}$ g. However, PBHs lighter than $10^9$ g are at present practically unconstrained, evaporating before BBN. An interesting possibility is that those light PBHs produce, on top of Standard Model radiation, some light dark matter (DM) particle -- warm DM. We will demonstrate how the modification of the public code BlackHawk to compute Hawking evaporation of light PBHs into warm DM, as well as the use of CLASS to implement structure formation constraints, allow us to place constraints on warm DM (of all spins) originating in PBH evaporation.


Auffinger Jérémy (Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis - Lyon - FRANCE)


Mrs Isabella Masina (Ferrara U. and INFN, Ferrara) Mr Giorgio Orlando (U. Groningen, VSI)

Presentation materials