de Sitter vacua in String Theory with fluxes and antibranes

20 May 2021, 14:45
String Phenomenology Strings/Formal 1


Bruno Bento (University of Liverpool)


The swampland de Sitter conjecture reflects the great difficulty in finding de Sitter metastable vacua in the String Theory landscape. Arguably the most debated proposals for such vacua are the seminal work by KKLT and the Large Volume scenario, which both work with fluxes, warped throats and an anti-D3-brane uplift from an AdS vacuum into a near Minkowski positive vacuum. In this talk I will summarise the recent works on the warped throat, its interplay with the brane uplift and the tadpole cancelation problem, and present a new dS solution in a previously unexplored region of parameter space. I will discuss whether this and earlier solutions lie in the String Theory landscape or provide further hints of a swampland conspiracy.


Bruno Bento (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials