Resonant Leptogenesis and Collider Signals from Discrete Flavor and CP Symmetries

20 May 2021, 14:45
Neutrinos Collider BSM


Garv Chauhan (Washington University in St. Louis)


In this talk, I’ll discuss about the production of baryon asymmetry through resonant leptogenesis and phenomological signatures of type-I seesaw scenario with a flavour and a CP symmetry that strongly constrain lepton mixing angles, and both low- and high-energy CP phases. I’ll specially focus on the effect of these symmetries on the collider signals in minimal $U(1)_{B-L}$ model and effective neutrino mass ($m_{\beta\beta}$) in neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$), while also requiring production of the experimentally observed baryon asymmetry ($\eta_B$).


Garv Chauhan (Washington University in St. Louis)


Bhupal Dev (Washington University in St. Louis)

Presentation materials