Light DM Detection 2
- Alexis Plascencia (Case Western Reserve University)
We point out several unexplored low-energy backgrounds to sub-GeV dark matter searches, which arise from high-energy particles of cosmic or radioactive origin that interact with detector materials. In this talk, I will focus on Cherenkov radiation and luminescence from electron-hole pair recombination. I will show that these processes provide plausible explanations of the observed events at...
Direct detection of light dark matter (DM), below the GeV scale, through electron recoil can be efficient if DM has a velocity well above the virial value of v∼10^(−3). We point out that if there is a long range attractive force sourced by bulk ordinary matter, i.e.baryons or electrons, DM can be accelerated towards the Earth and reach velocities...
Aromatic organic compounds, because of their small excitation energies $\sim \mathcal O$(few eV) and scintillating properties, are promising targets for detecting dark matter of mass $\sim \mathcal O$(few MeV). Additionally, their planar molecular structures lead to large anisotropies in the electronic wavefunctions, yielding a significant daily modulation in the event rate expected to be...
The dark matter direct detection rates are highly correlated with the phase space
distribution of dark matter particles in our galactic neighborhood. In this talk, we will discuss the impact of astrophysical uncertainties on electron recoil events at the direct detection experiments with Xenon and semiconductor detectors. We find that within the standard halo model there can be up to ∼ 50%...
Traditionally, dark matter exploration at accelerators has been conducted in the domain of high-energy experiments with, up-to-now, no positive results. The search of dark-matter candidates requires innovative and open-minded approaches spanning a wide range of energies with high-sensitivity detectors. In this scenario, attractive opportunities are offered to low energy machines and flavour...
The NEWS-G collaboration aims to detect sub-GeV WIMPs using Spherical Proportional Counters (SPC). During the past 6 years, the collaboration developed a new 140 cm diameter detector. This detector - larger than the previous generation - is made from stringently selected materials for their radio-purity. The detector construction is discussed. This presentation will be followed by a review of...