Higgs/EW Physics 2
- Matthew Sullivan (University of Kansas)
While precision measurements of the Higgs at the LHC continue to confirm its Standard Model-like nature, many of its properties, in particular its couplings to light quarks and to itself, remain essentially unconstrained. Di-Higgs production is well known to be a direct probe of the self coupling, but as I will argue, it is also a powerful probe of Higgs flavor. In models where enhanced...
We consider a non-Abelian dark SU(2) model where the dark sector couples to the Standard Model (SM) through a Higgs portal. We investigate two different scenarios of the dark sector scalars with Z2 symmetry, with Higgs portal interactions that can introduce mixing between the SM Higgs boson and the SM singlet scalars in the dark sector. We utilize the existing collider results of the Higgs...
We examine the weak boson fusion (WBF) production of exotic heavy Higgs states with subsequent decay into 125 GeV Higgs bosons. We include contributions from the gluon fusion production channel and study the interplay of both production modes to improve the discovery potential at the LHC. We observe that in scenarios with isospin singlet mixing in the Higgs sector, resonant di-Higgs production...
Probing the charm Yukawa coupling is very important to confirm Higgs-fermion interactions and search for deviations from the Standard Model (SM), yet extremely challenging due to enormous QCD background. In this study, we examine the sensitivity of probing Higgs-charm coupling at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) via vector boson fusion with a photon radiation. This additional photon provides an...
We study electroweak phase transition and resultant GWs of a CP conserving 2HDM with a softly broken $Z_2$ symmetry. We analysed the parameter space of both type I and type II 2hdm without relying on any decoupling limit. We observe $M_{H^\pm} \approx M_H$ or $M_{H^\pm} \approx M_A$ favours SFOEWPT in 2HDM. In addition to di-Higgs production, scalar to fermion decay channel is also important...
We search specifically for the heavy resonant scalars (H/A) decaying via $H\to hh$, $H\to t\bar{t}$ and $(b\bar{b})H\to \tau\tau$ final states, at the HL-LHC. After performing multivariate analysis using the BDT algorithm in various final states, we set upper limits on the production cross-section of a heavy scalar times its branching ratio into final state products for different heavy scalar...