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12–13 Sept 2019
America/Chicago timezone

The IRIS-HEP software institute has recently completed its first year after being funded by the National Science Foundation. During this first year the project team has been formed and ramp-up activities have taken place in all of the institute focus areas. The goals of the retreat are:

  • To take stock of progress during the first year and make plans for activities during the second year
  • To identify additional opportunities for cross-area synergies within the institute and external collaborations, and make plans to build on these opportunities
  • To prepare for two NSF reviews covering the initial "Design Phase" of the institute (in Fall 2019 and in Spring 2020)
This event is being organised by the IRIS-HEP Software Institute, which is supported by National Science Foundation cooperative agreement OAC-1836650.
Registration for this event is currently open.