We describe an analysis comparing the $p\bar{p}$ elastic cross section as measured by the D0 Collaboration at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96~TeV to that in $pp$ collisions as measured by the TOTEM Collaboration at 2.76, 7, 8, and 13 TeV using a model-independent approach. The TOTEM cross sections, extrapolated to a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} =$ 1.96 TeV, are compared with the D0 measurement in the region of the diffractive minimum and the second maximum of the $pp$ cross section.
The two data sets disagree at the 3.4$\sigma$ level and thus provide evidence for the $t$-channel exchange of a colorless, $C$-odd gluonic compound, also known as the odderon.
We combine these results with a TOTEM analysis of the same $C$-odd exchange based on the total cross section and the ratio of the real to imaginary parts of the forward elastic strong interaction scattering amplitude in $pp$ scattering for which the significance is between 3.4 and 4.6$\sigma$.
The combined significance is larger than 5$\sigma$ and is interpreted as the first observation of the exchange of a colorless, $C$-odd gluonic compound.
Preferred track | Forward & Diffractive Physics |