12–16 Jul 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the ISMD2021 meeting has been moved online. We look forward to welcoming you in the Scottish Highlands next summer.

Recent studies of the ridge in proton-proton collisions

12 Jul 2021, 13:45
Talk Collectivity and multiple-scattering Collectivity and multiple-scattering


Soumya Mohapatra (Columbia University (US))


Measurements of two-particle correlations in $pp$ collisions show the presence of long-range correlations along $\Delta\eta$ that are strikingly similar to those seen in heavy-ion collisions. In heavy-ion collisions, the long-range correlations are known to arise from the collective dynamics of the produced quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The similarity between the $pp$ and heavy-ion measurements raises the possibility that a tiny droplet of the QGP is produced even in $pp$ collisions. However, models that attribute the origin of these correlations to semi-hard processes can also qualitatively reproduce the features observed in earlier measurements. Recently, multiple measurements have been performed that aim to further investigate the origin of these features in $pp$ collisions. This talk presents an overview of these recent measurements. These include measurements that study the dependence of the correlations on the presence of a hard process in the event, such as a high-$p_{\mathrm{T}}$ jet or a $Z$-boson. Studies of the long-range correlations where one of the particles in the pair is a muon produced from the decay of a heavy-flavor quark are discussed. Finally, correlation measurements with an active rejection of particles associated with semi-hard processes, such as low-pT jets, are also discussed. These measurements can give further insight into the origin of the long-range correlations observed in $pp$ collisions.

Preferred track High-temperature QCD


Soumya Mohapatra (Columbia University (US))

Presentation materials