Efforts to understand QGP signatures using perturbative QCD models have been an active field since the first observation of the near-side long-range two-particle correlations in p-p collisions at the LHC in 2010. On the other hand, tools like Monte Carlo event generators, particularly PYTHIA, have been quite successful at describing LEP physics and also p-p phenomenology. This surprise element in p-p collisions sparked the need to probe nuclear collisions more closely via string dynamics. Currently, nuclear collisions can be generated within PYTHIA by the Angantyr framework (arXiv:1806.10820) which uses the p-p MPI framework in PYTHIA along with an advanced instance of the Glauber model. Hence, non-perturbative processes such as string interactions, called string shoving(arXiv:1710.09725 and arXiv:2010.07595) and rope hadronization(arXiv:1412.6259), have been studied which are main workhorses to generate QGP signals in collision systems within PYTHIA8. Such analyses come coupled with the challenges of formulating an approach that can treat both high and low multiplicity events with the same physical picture and also all partons in an event equally, regardless of their pT.
In order to include string interactions in a whole event, a new approach with a Lorentz frame, called the parallel frame, has been constructed that accommodates all strings formed in an event, regardless of the pT of the partons forming the strings. Once a PYTHIA event is generated, every possible pair of strings are then boosted to this parallel frame, where we hadronize the strings via rope formation and also include shoving between the strings. They are then boosted back to the laboratory frame where the successive processes follow. This is a novel tool that has the capacity to reproduce the QGP signals such as strangeness enhancement and flow in both small and large systems. In this talk, we present our new scheme and present results that explore to see if this formulation can achieve the particle production yields and their v_2 as seen in data.
Preferred track | Collectivity & Multiple Scattering |