12–16 Jul 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the ISMD2021 meeting has been moved online. We look forward to welcoming you in the Scottish Highlands next summer.

NLO Corrections to Di-Jet Production in DIS Using the Color Glass Condensate

12 Jul 2021, 20:04
Poster or pre-recorded talk Forward and diffractive physics Poster Session


Filip Bergabo (CUNY)


Di-Jet angular correlations serve as a sensitive probe of saturation physics in the Color Glass Condensate (CGC), an effective theory of QCD in which a heavy target nucleus can be modeled as a classical background field. The leading order cross section for di-jet production in Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) is well known, but experiments at the Electron Ion Collider will be sensitive to corrections. Here we present our preliminary results for the calculation of Next to Leading Order (NLO) corrections to di-jet production in DIS at small Bjorken x, where the target nucleus is treated as a CGC. The Wilson line correlators are averaged according to the gaussian (MV) model, and we use the spinor helicity formalism for efficient calculation of the helicity structure.

Preferred track Forward & Diffractive Physics


Presentation materials