In the relativistic heavy-ion collisions the mean transverse momentum ($[p_{T}]$) and anisotropic flow ($v_n$, n=2,3) have been found to be tightly correlated with the size and initial geometry eccentricity of the produced fireball, respectively. It provides a novel tool to image the deformation of the atomic nuclei at extremely short time scale ($<10^{-24}$s).
In this talk, we present measurements of correlations between $v_n$ and $[p_T]$ by using the Pearson correlation coefficient ($\rho(v_{n}\{2\}^2,[p_{T}])$) as a function of multiplicity in Au+Au and U+U collisions at top RHIC energy. Unlike in Au+Au collisions, a sign-change behavior has been found for $\rho(v_{2}\{2\}^2,[p_{T}])$ in central U+U collisions due to nuclei deformations. While $\rho(v_{3}\{2\}^2,[p_{T}])$ has been found to be similar between two collision systems. Comparing with several model calculations in the ultra-central regions, such measurements will help us to constrain the quadrupole deformation parameter ($\beta_2$) of the atomic nuclei.
Preferred track | Collectivity & Multiple Scattering |