12–16 Jul 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the ISMD2021 meeting has been moved online. We look forward to welcoming you in the Scottish Highlands next summer.

A two-component model of hadron production applied to pt spectra from 5 TeV and 13 TeV p-p collisions at the large hadron collider

13 Jul 2021, 14:00
Talk Cross-disciplinary Cross-disciplinary


Thomas Trainor


The ALICE collaboration at the large hadron collider recently reported high-statistics pt spectra from 5 TeV and 13 TeV p-p collisions. Particle data for each energy were partitioned into event classes based on the total yields within two disjoint pseudorapidity intervals denoted by acronyms V0M and SPD. For each collision energy spectra resulting from the two selection methods were then compared to a minimum-bias average over the entire event population. The nominal goal was determination of the role of jets in high-multiplicity p-p collisions and especially the jet contribution to the low-pt parts of spectra. A related motivation was response to recent claims of "collective" behavior and other nominal indicators of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formation in small collision systems. In the present study a two-component (soft + hard) model (TCM) of hadron production in p-p collisions is applied to the ALICE spectrum data. As in previous TCM studies of a variety of A-B collision systems the jet and nonjet contributions to p-p pt spectra are accurately separated over the entire pt acceptance. The statistical significance of data-model differences is established leading to new insights concerning selection bias of V0M and SPD acceptances. The effect of spherocity (azimuthal asymmetry measure nominally sensitive to jet production) on ensemble-mean pt vs event multiplicity nch is investigated and an ironic result emerges.

Preferred track Collectivity & Multiple Scattering


Presentation materials