12–16 Jul 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the ISMD2021 meeting has been moved online. We look forward to welcoming you in the Scottish Highlands next summer.

Intermittency in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9, 7 and 8 TeV from the CMS collaboration

13 Jul 2021, 20:18
Poster or pre-recorded talk Poster Session


Zongjin Ong (National University of Singapore)


In an extension to our previous work where we established that the intermittency-type fluctuations as outlined by Bialas and Peschanski in the 1980s is present at √s = 7 TeV, the analysis is continued to include more energies from Run 1 data from the CMS collaboration at CERN. A preliminary look into how the slope parameters in the bin-averaged scaled factorial moments vary with collision energy at the TeV scale is presented, and we outline possible areas planned for future studies.


A H Chan Choo Hiap OH (National University of Singapore) Zongjin Ong (National University of Singapore) Han Wei Ang (National University of Singapore (SG)) P Agarwal

Presentation materials