12–16 Jul 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the ISMD2021 meeting has been moved online. We look forward to welcoming you in the Scottish Highlands next summer.

Study of light, charmonium-like, and fully-charm tetraquark spectroscopy

13 Jul 2021, 19:46
Poster or pre-recorded talk Poster Session


Mr Zheng Zhao (Suranaree University of Technology )


We study tetraquark states of all $qq\bar q\bar q$, $qc\bar q \bar c$, $sc\bar q \bar c$ and $cc\bar c \bar c$ ($q=u,d$ quark) quark configurations and all S-wave tetraquark masses are evaluated in a constituent quark model where the Cornell-like potential and one-gluon exchange spin-spin coupling are employed.
All model parameters are predetermined by comparing the theoretical and experimental masses of light, strange, charmed and bottom mesons.
The theoretical predictions of the tetraquarks are compared with the observed exotic meson states. Two tentative assignments for light and charmonium-like tetraquarks are suggested respectively.
The work suggests that the $X(6900)$ observed by LHCb is likely to be the first radial excited fully-charm tetraquark state with $J^{PC} = 0^{++}$ in the $\bar 3_c \otimes 3_c$ configuration, and the ground and second radial excited states of fully-charm tetraquark are around $6450MeV$ and $7250MeV$ respectively.

Preferred track Hadron Spectroscopy


Mr Zheng Zhao (Suranaree University of Technology )


Dr Kai Xu (Suranaree University of Technology) Mr Attaphon Kaewsnod (Suranaree University of Technology ) Ayut Limphirat (Suranaree University of Technology (TH)) Yupeng Yan (Suranaree University of Technology)

Presentation materials