INFIERI: INtelligent signal processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry
The co-organizers of this School edition held this year at UAM Madrid, will introduce the INFIERI International School series: the objectives of this cross-disciplinary summer school of 2 weeks duration;
Built on the success of the previous 5 editions held in Oxford (2013), Paris (2014), Hamburg (2015), Sao Paulo...
LAB PRESENTED BY Profs. Luigi GAIONI, and Valerio RE (University of Bergamo and INFN, IT)
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Konstantin ANDROSOV (EPFL and ETH Zurich, CH)
LAB PRESENTED BY Dr. Giulio PELLEGRINI (Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC), Barcelona, SP)
LAB PRESENTED by Prof. Wim BOGAERTS (University of GENT, and IMEC, BE)
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Farah FAHIM ( Deputy Division Head, Quantum Science, Fermi Quantum Institute and ASIC Research & Development Department Head, Particle Physics Division, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA)
LAB presented by Dr. Laura ORTIZ (University Polytechnic of Madrid, UPM, SP)
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Mehmet Ozgur SAHIN (CEA-IRFU, Univerity Paris Saclay, FR)
LAB PRESENTED by Prof. Yoshinobu UNNO (KEK), JP.
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Ian TOMALIN (Rutherford Lab, RAL, Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC, GB)
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Diego MARTINEZ SANTOS (University of Santiago de Compostela, Galician Institute of High Energy Physics, IGFAE, SP)
LAB PRESENTATION BY Dr. Nhan TRAN (FERMI, National Laboratory, USA)
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Shamik GHOSH (LLR, Ecole Polytechnique and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Palaiseau, FR)
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Ignasi PEREZ RAFOLS (LPNHE, University Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FR)
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Auguste LE SUU (Deputy Director Institut Pytheas at Observatoire de Haute Provence-CNRS/INSU, FR )
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Auguste LE SUU (Deputy Director Institut Pytheas at Observatoire de Haute Provence-CNRS/INSU, FR )
to be held at the Astronomical Observatory at UAM.
The astronomical observatory of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is on the seventh floor of the módulo 15, Facultad de Ciencias. It consits in a computer room, used by members of the Astrophysics group and last-year...
LAB PRESENTED by Prof. Angel TORRADO CARVAJAL (Biomedical Engineering, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, SP)
Lab to be held at the University Rey Juan Carlos and HM Hospitales in MADRID.
Lab to be held at the IMDEA Nanoscience Center at UAM
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Gaston GARCIA (Head of the Centre for Micro Analysis of Materials (CMAM), at UAM, Madrid, SP).
The Lab is set-up at the Centre for Micro Analysis of Materials (CMAM) .
This is a research center belonging to the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) whose main experimental tool is an electrostatic ion accelerator with a maximum terminal voltage of 5 MV, devoted to the...
LAB PRESENTED by Prof. Jose Luis PAU (Vice Dean of Research, Applied Physics, School of Sciences, UAM, Madrid, SP)
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Concepcion OLIVER (CIEMAT, Madrid, SP)
LAB Set-up at Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas , CIEMAT, in MADRID:
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Concepcion OLIVER (CIEMAT, Madrid, SP)
LAB Set-up at Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas , CIEMAT, in MADRID:
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Concepcion OLIVER (CIEMAT, Madrid, SP)
The Lab is set-up at the Centre for Micro Analysis of Materials (CMAM) .
This is a research center belonging to the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) whose main experimental tool is an electrostatic ion accelerator with a maximum terminal voltage of 5 MV, devoted to the analysis and modification of materials.
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Alberto CASAS (Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM and CSIC, Madrid, SP)
Theoretical Masterclass, held at Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM.
LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Alberto CASAS (Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM and CSIC, Madrid, SP)
Theoretical Masterclass, held at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM and CSIC
DESPITE THE HARD EFFORTS for several weeks, of Dr Rogerio Iope both to attend in-person or to make his Lab session a reliable online session, both him and us had to finally decide not to have this Lab session in this School edition. Rogerio are sorry and sad about it and we look to the next school edition to have his Lab in a new revisited way available for the next edition.
LAB PRESENTED by Prof. German SIERRA (Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM and CSIC, Madrid, SP)
Computer based Lab, held at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM and CSIC.
The Introduction of the School in Astrophysics will be given by the lecture of Prof Shuang-Nan ZHANG (IHEP and CAS, Beijing, CN). A Theoretical overview will be then given by Prof, Gustavo YEPES on September 1st.
Prof Zhang is the Director of Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics and Center for Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,...
For the first time in this school series this introductory talk will be given by a Theoretician.
Christophe Grojean is Professor at the Physics Department of the Humbolt University in Berlin and leading Scientist at DESY in Hamburg.
This keynote session is the opening on the Medical part of this School edition. It will be led by two prominent personalities in the field of Neurology, Professor Exuperio Diez Tejedor from the UAM Medical School and Head of the Neurology Department at UAM and of the Center of ICTUS at the Hospital La Paz in Madrid (see link here below) and computational neuroscience, Prof. Nestor Parga, from...
Dr. Alessandro Marchioro is a worldwide known expert in the field of Advanced Microelectornics applied to the Particle Physics. He led the Microelectronics Division at CERN and has been involved in the R&D developments and design of the Microelectronics devices developed with international collaboration on some of the most challenging instruments built at CERN in particular for LEP, LHC and...
Prof. Valerio Re is Professor of Electronics at the University of Bergamo and INFN, in Italy. He is Director of the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences at University of Bergamo.
He and his team are conducting work on Microelectronics, low noise electronics, semi-conductor electronics, 3D Integration with applications to leading experiments in Particle Physics as well as Medical...
Dr. Farah Fahim is a senior engineer specializing in mixed-signal ASIC design. She has developed low-noise, high-speed, reconfigurable pixel detectors which operate in harsh environments for a variety of applications including high-energy physics, photon science, and space science. Farah has a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Northwestern University. She joined Fermilab in...
FOR the FIRST TIME in this SCHOOL SERIES Lectures and Lab sessions will be dedicated to Accelerators.
This keynote lecture will give an introduction to this multi-facets technological and Physics domain.
Accelerators are key instruments in fundamental research, i.e. in Particle Physics. They are unique probes for exploring the ultimate components of the Matter as well as for getting...
Besides the Fundamental research, accelerators have a wide range of applications from Medicine to Chemistry, Biology, to several Industrial applications etc...and without forgetting the outcomes from accelerator technologies to Magnets, cryogenics etc...
New tracking systems are developped for High Luminosity LHC with an embedded real time triggering system: achievements for HL-LHC as well as perspectives for the future machines will be presented in this lecture.
Dr. Ian Tomalin, is a high energy experimental Physicist. He received his PhD from Oxford working at the TASSO experiment at DESY, followed by a postdoctoral position at Imperial...
New calorimeter systems based on new fine-grained technology are developped for High Luminosity LHC. The associated real time triggering system with a strengthened decision/filtering potential as well as perspectives for the future machines will be presented in this lecture.
Dr. Alexandre Zabi got his PhD in 2004 on the D0 experiment at the Tevatron at FNAL, (USA), at the LAL Laboratory in...
New timing detector technologies are developped for the High Luminosity LHC upgrades of both ATLAS and CMS experiments. They represent a new breakthrough in this detectors technology also very promising for the future experiments and also for other fields of application.
Prof. Tommaso Tabarelli de Fatis received his PhD at the Universita degli Studi di Milano working on the DELPHI...
Dr. Monica Pepe Altarelli will present the LHCb experiment, its objective and main results, with particular emphasis on its triggerless read-out and its impact on the overall data strategy chain.
After completing her studies at the University of Genova, Italy, with a thesis on neutrino counting from radiative Z decays, in 1983 Monica Pepe Altarelli joined the Rutherford Laboratory as...
It is an extremely exciting and important period in the HEP Fundamental Research field; the decisions at the worlwide level, on the Future Machines to be built, should be well underway by the time of the School.
An important EU strategy workshop was held January 21-25, 2020 at Bad Honnhef (Germany). The outcomes were presented in June 2020 (see link here below). Besides decisions on the...
Two accelerator technologies are the object of an active R&D since a number of years for building the next electorn-positron colliders. Namely the circular electron positron colliders (CepC and FCC-ee) and the Linear Colliders (ILC and CLIC). This lecture will review the current status of these projects especially at the time of the School.
Dr. Angeles Faus-Golfe is a Research Engineer at...
For electrons and also the protons case
Dr Ralf W. Assmann received his PhD in physics (1995) from the Ludwig Maximilian University, and Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich
Since 2012, as Leading Scientist at DESY Ralph Assmann is working on the development of modern particle accelerators. One focus of his work is the study and development of new accelerator technologies such as...
Francisco Javier Castander is member of the Institute of Space Science, ICE at the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalyuna (IEEC). ICE is supported both by IEEC and CSIC.
He is the Chair of the EUCLID Consortium Board and PI of the Spanish collaboration contributing to EUCLID.
Dr. Spyromilio is a senior astronomer at the European Southern Observatory. His research interests are focused on supernovae and their use in understanding the physics of explosions. He was a member of the high-z team that co-discovered the acceleration of the expansion of the universe (for which we were all awarded the Gruber prize, more recently the Breakthrough prize and for which Brian and...
Professor Jie Gao is an accelerator Physicist at the Institute of High Energy Physics...
It is an extremely exciting and important period in the HEP Fundamental Research field; the decisions on the future machines to be built should be well underway by the time of the school.
An important EU strategy workshop was held January 21-25, 2020 at Bad Honhef (Germany). The outcomes were presented in June 2020 (see link here below). Besides decisions on the Chinese side are also...
In order to reach 100 Tera-electron volts (TeV) or even beyond in proton-proton collisions, an active worldwide R&D on novel high field supraconductor magnets is underway. This will be presented in this lecture together with the presentation of: the FCC-hh (the SppC project in China will be presented in the keynote by Jie GAO (IHEP).
This lecture will also mention the importance of the R&D...
This lecture will conclude the different R&D projects for new HEP machines.
Muon colliders can offer collisions of point-like particles at very high energies, since muons can be accelerated in a ring without limitation from synchrotron radiation.
However, the need for high luminosity faces technical challenges which arise from the short muon lifetime at rest and the difficulty of...
IMDEA Nanociencia is a non-profit Foundation created on November 23rd 2006 by initiative of the regional Government of the Community of Madrid in November 2006 in order to shorten the distance between the research and society in the Madrid region and provide new capacity for research, technological development and innovation in the field of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Molecular Design. In...
NeuroSpin, directed by Stanislas Dehaene, is a research centre for the innovation of brain imaging. Activities carried out includes biomedical imaging and diagnostic and therapeutic innovation.
At NeuroSpin Department, physicists, mathematicians and neuroscientists join forces to jointly develop tools and models that will enable a better understanding normal and pathological brain function,...
The primary focus of PD Dr Steve Pascolo's research activities since the beginning of his scientific career has been the use of molecular biology as a tool for improving health.
Ecole Normale Superieure: PhD in Biochemistry
After developing an immunologically “humanized” mouse model in 1998 at Institut Pasteur in Paris, he used the model to compare vaccine formats, i.e., proteins, peptides...
Prof. Julia Díaz, graduated in Mathematics at Autonoma in Madrid (UAM). She performed her Doctorate in Engineering in Informatics at UAM . Programa de Dirección General (PDG) for the IESE-Business School University of Navarra (UNAV).
With over 30 years of experience she developed her career in the Institute of Engineering of the Knoweledge (Instituto de Ingeneria del conecimiento, IIC) as...
Juan C. San Miguel received the degree in Electrical Engineering (5-years program "Ingeniero de Telecomunicación" degree) in 2006, the Master's degree in Multimedia Signal processing in 2008 (two year program) and the PhD in Computer Science and Telecommunication in 2011, all at Universidad Autónoma of Madrid (UAM). Since 2017, he is associate professor at UAM. He has been undergraduate fellow...
SPEAKER, SONIA CONTERA, is Professor of Biological Physics and
Associate Head of the Department of Physics (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) at the University of Oxford, UK.
She is the Author of "Nano comes to life "(Princeton University Press, 2019).
Reviewed by Nature, Nature Physics, New Scientist,...
Nam-Gyu Park is distinguished professor at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea. Considered as one of the precursors of solar cells based on hybrid perovskites, it has especially led to improve the efficiency of the first cells from 3.8% for the first (carried out by T. Miyasaka) to 6.5% in 2011 and 9% in 2012.
In 1995, NG Park obtained his PhD in “Inorganic Solid State Chemistry” at...
Formerly Director of the Joint European Torus (JET) AT CULHAM UK, and Director of the French CEA's magnetic fusion research department (DRFC, today IRFM), Jean Jacquinot has been closely associated with ITER for the past quarter century. He is presently a scientific advisor to the French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy and Senior Advisor to the ITER Director-General.
As introduction,...
Wave energy conversion is a promising alternative to produce clean energy from the huge available resource at sea, but it is also a challenging mission because extraction conditions are difficult due to the harsh environment and also to the low frequency of the energy conversion process. In the Ocean Energy Strategic Roadmap was estimated that 100GW of ocean energy capacity could be deployed...
Prof. German Sierra is a Prof. of Theroetical Physics at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Autonoma of Madrid and CSIC.
His current research interests are on:
- Quantum entanglement in many body systems
- Topological quantum matter
- Conformal Field Theory applied to Condensed Matter Physics
- Tensor networks: MPS, PEPS, ...
- Exactly solvable models
and applications to...
At the end of German's lecture we took a SCHOOL PHOTO.
.See here below
Jose Ignacio Latorre got his PhD in Particle Physics at University of Barcelona. He was a Fullbright Fellow at MIT (USA) and a postdoc at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. He then became associate professor at the Univ. Barcelona and, later, full professor in Theoretical Physics.
Prof. José Ignacio Latorre is Chief Researcher of the Quantum Research Centre at the Technology Innovation...
Dr Julie McEnery is the Chair Senior Scientist Project of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.
Julie McEnery was the Project Scientist for the Fermi gamma-ray Space Telescope and an astrophysicist in the Astrophysics Science Division of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. She is an Adjunct Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland and at the George Washington University. She is...
Professor Vicente Martin, received his Ph.D. in physics from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, in 1995. He is a full professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Founding member of the Specialized Group in Quantum Information and Computing of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics and of the Quantum Industry Specification Group, European Telecommunications Standards...
Pol FORN-DIAZ leads the experimental team at QUANTIC. He has a background on superconducting quantum devices for quantum information applications and quantum optics. He obtained his PhD from TU Delft in 2010, with a study of superconducting flux qubits and the limits of the interaction strength to a superconducting resonator. He was then a postdoctoral researcher in the Kimble group at the...
"QUANTUM SENSING” describes the use of a quantum system, quantum properties or quantum phenomena to perform a measurement of a physical quantity. Historical examples of quantum sensors include magnetometers or atomic clocks. More recently, quantum sensing has become a distinct and...
Pr. Dr. Ir, Wim Bogaerts is full professor in the Photonics Research Group of Ghent University and IMEC. He specializes in silicon photonics, design of complex photonics circuits, and programmable photonics. During and after his PhD, he laid the foundations for IMEC's silicon photonics platform, and the multi-project-wafer service ePIXfab which made this technology accessible for many...
For decades semiconductor advancement has depended almost entirely on ever shrinking transistors and wires. This trend, known as Moore's Law, has enabled the modern miracle electronics which we all use and enjoy. Today however, we are reaching the physical limits of shrinking transistors and wires further. Manufacturing today's nanometer transistors requires billions...
Valeria D'AMANTE, 3rd BEST POSTER ex-aequo
Lukas VAN ISEGHEM, 3rd BEST POSTER ex-aequo
Sara CELANI, 2nd BEST POSTER ex-aequo
Grace CUMMINGS, 2nd BEST POSTER ex-aequo
On behalf of the LHCb Muon Group
Dr. Jose Miguel Jimenez is the head of the Technology Department (TE) at CERN.
The TE Department is responsible for technologies specific to existing particle accelerators, facilities and future projects.
The main domains of activities cover : magnets (superconducting, normal conducting, fast pulsed magnets, electrostatics and magnetic septa), their machine integration and protection, power...
Formerly Director of the Joint European Torus (JET) and Director of the French CEA's magnetic fusion research department (DRFC, today IRFM), Jean Jacquinot has been closely associated with ITER for the past quarter century. He is presently a scientific advisor to the French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy and Senior Advisor to the ITER Director-General.
THIS IS THE SECOND PART of the KEYNOTE SESSION DEDICATED TO NEW ENERGIES started with the lecture by Prof Nam Gyu PARK this morning.
Formerly Director of the Joint European Torus (JET) and Director of the French CEA's magnetic fusion research department (DRFC, today IRFM), Jean Jacquinot has been closely associated with ITER for the past quarter century. He is presently a scientific advisor...
A panel will gather the experts from the Quantum System to the Hardware R&D and industrial world. They will present the state of the art and the main issues to be still confronted and eventual alternatives to this new computing field.
Prof Zhang is the Director of Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics and Center for Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; Chief Scientist of the Space Science Research Division and Director of X-ray Imaging Laboratory of National Astronomical...
Sonia Contera, is Professor of Biological Physics and
Associate Head of the Department of Physics (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) at the University of Oxford, UK
She is the Author of "Nano comes to life "(Princeton University Press, 2019).
Reviewed by Nature, Nature Physics, New Scientist, BBC, Harvard Business Review…
An active R&D is undergoing worlwide led by academics and research Labs as well as Industrial High Tech Firms: some examples will be presented and discussed here
Professor Jie Gao is an accelerator Physicist at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP).
He obtained his Bachelor degree in 1983 and his Master degree in 1986, both at the Tsinghua University i Beijing.
In 1986-1989 at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academyc of Sciences (CAS) he worked on Ph. D degree (Supervisor Academician, Prof. J.L. Xie).
In April 1992, he obtained...
Nam-Guy Park is distinguished professor at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea. Considered as one of the precursors of solar cells based on hybrid perovskites, it has especially led to improve the efficiency of the first cells from 3.8% for the first (carried out by T. Miyasaka) to 6.5% in 2011 and 9% in 2012.
In 1995, NG Park obtained his PhD in “Inorganic Solid State Chemistry” at...
More information about the research by Prof Rafael Yuste and his research group at Columbia U. in the link here below
This final lecture will be given by the Head of the TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT at CERN