The List of lecturers and Lab organizers is still work in progress; The final merged list of Lecturers and Lab organizers to be posted by June 15.
The Timetable gives the current list of Lectures and of Lecturers, and here below:
The list of Lab organizers (some, in blue letters, are also Lecturers): almost complete.
- Konstantin Androsov, EPFL & ETH-Zurich, CH.
-Alberto Arteche, Royal University London, UK.
- Santiago Avila Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, at UAM-CSIC, SP
- Emanuele Angelo Bagnaschi, Paul Scherrer Institute (CH)
- Juan Pedro Brito Mendez, Research Group on Quantum Information and Computing, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, UPM, Madrid, SP
- Alberto Casas, Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM-CSIC. Madrid, SP.
- David Cerdeño, Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Sciences, UAM. Madrid, SP.
- Miguel Crespillo, Center for Microanalysis of Materials (CMAM), UAM, Madrid, SP.
- Jean-Gabriel Cuby, Astrophysics Laboratory of Marseille (LAM), Centre National de la Recherche (CNRS), Institute of Sciences of the Universe (INSU), FR.
- Nicola d’Ascenzo, Life Sciences Dept, Huazhong U. of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan (CN) and NEUROMED, IT.
- Jose del Peso, UAM Faculty of Sciences, Madrid, SP.
- Giuseppe di Guglielmo, Columbia University, New York, USA.
- Farah Fahim, Fermi Quantum Institute, Fermi National Laboratory (FNAL), USA.
- Giacomo Fedi, Imperial College, London (UK).
- Pablo Fernandez-Martinez, Institute for High Energies, IFAE, Autonoma University in Barcelona, SP.
- Carmen Garcia, IFIC-CSIC and Valencia University, Valencia, SP.
- Gaston Garcia, Center for Microanalysis of Materials (CMAM), UAM, Madrid, SP.
- Luigi Gaioni, Bergamo University and INFN, Bergamo, IT.
- Shamik Ghosh, Leprince Ringuet Lab. at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, CNRS/IN2P3, FR
- Sebastian Grinstein, Institute for High Energies, IFAE, Autonoma University in Barcelona, SP
- Sven Heinemeyer, Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM-CSIC. Madrid, SP.
- Rogerio Iope, Center of Scientific Computing (CSC), State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP), and INTEL Parallel Computing Center INTEL-UNESP, BR.
- Carlos Lacasta, IFIC-CSIC and Valencia University, Valencia, SP.
- Auguste Le Van Suu, University Aix-Marseille and CNRS, FR
- Esperanza Lopez Manzanares, Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM-CSIC, Madrid, SP.
- Norberto Malpica, Medical Image Analysis & Biometry Lab, King Juan Carlos University (URJC) in Madrid, SP.
- Miguel Manso, Applied Physics Dept, Faculty of Science, UAM & CMAM, Madrid, SP
- Vicente Martin, Research Group on Quantum Information and Computing, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, UPM, Madrid, SP.
- Diego Martinez Santos, IGFAE, University of Santiago de Com postela, SP.
- Gonzalo Martinez, UAM Polytechnic School, Madrid, SP.
- Sedi Menik, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
- Neil Moffat, Center of Microelectronics of Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, SP
- Concepcion Oliver Amoros, Division of Electrical engineering, Accelerators Unit, Center of Research in Energy, Environment and Technologies (CIEMAT), Madrid, SP.
- Daniel Ortega Ponce, University of Cádiz, Institute of Research & Innovation in Biomedical Sciences of the Province of Cádiz, INiBICA, and IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid, SP.
- Jose Luis Pau Vizcaino, Applied Physics Department, Faculty of Science, UAM Madrid, SP.
- Giulio Pellegrini, Center of Microelectronics of Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, SP
- Ignasi Perez Rajols, LPNHE, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FR
- Andres Redondo, Applied Physics Dept, Faculty of Science, UAM & CMAM, Madrid, SP
- Laura Ortiz, Research Group on Quantum Information and Computing, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, UPM, Madrid, SP
- Mehmet Ozgur Sahin, IRFU-CEA, University Paris Saclay, Gif-Sur-Yvette, FR.
- Giulio Pellegrino, National Center for Microelectronics, CNM-CSIC, Barcelona, SP
-Valerio Re, Bergamo University and INFN, Bergamo, IT
- Aurore Savoy-Navarro, IRFU-CEA, University Paris Saclay, Gif-Sur-Yvette &CNRS/IN2P3, FR.
- Rui Shi, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA.
- German Sierra, Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UAM-CSIC, Madrid. SP.
- Luis García-Tabarés, Head of the Electrical Engineering Division of CIEMAT
- Ian Tomalin, Particle Physics Department STFC, Rutherford Accelerator Laboratory (RAL), UK.
- Angel Torrado Carvajal, Medical Image Analysis & Biometry Lab, King Juan Carlos University (URJC), Madrid, SP.
- Nhan Tran, Fermi National Laboratory (FNAL), USA
-Yoshinobu Unno, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK, Tsukuba, JP.
- Manuel Blanco Valentin, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA.
- Xavier Vilasis Cardona, la Salle-URL and Data Science for the Digital Society Research Group (DS4DS), Barcelona, SP.
- Silvia Viñals, Center for Microanalysis of Materials (CMAM), UAM, Madrid, SP
- Maria Dolores Ynsa, Applied Physics Dept, Faculty of Science, UAM & CMAM, Madrid, SP
- Alexandre Zabi, Leprince Ringuet Lab. at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, CNRS/IN2P3, FR