New tracking systems are developped for High Luminosity LHC with an embedded real time triggering system: achievements for HL-LHC as well as perspectives for the future machines will be presented in this lecture.
Dr. Ian Tomalin, is a high energy experimental Physicist. He received his PhD from Oxford working at the TASSO experiment at DESY, followed by a postdoctoral position at Imperial College and then a 6 years fellowshiip at CERN both on the ALEPH experiment at LEP. He contributed very early to the CMS experiment even while still involved in the ALEPH, experiment. He participated to the development in the early 2000's of the novel Silicon tracker and especially its new F.E. micro-electronics, He was appointed by Rutherford Lab in 1999 to carry on his contributions to CMS. He is currently the UK Workpackage leader for CMS HL-LHC Track Finder and the convenor for CMS upgrade tracking algorithms group. His work predominantly focuses on the track finding algorithm for the CMS HL-LHC silicon tracker upgrade in backend electronics.