22 August 2021 to 5 September 2021
Autonoma de Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone


26 Aug 2021, 18:00
Auditorium of Faculty of Biology (Autonoma de Madrid)

Auditorium of Faculty of Biology

Autonoma de Madrid



Prof. Juan FUSTER VERDU (University of Valencia and IFIC)


It is an extremely exciting and important period in the HEP Fundamental Research field; the decisions at the worlwide level, on the Future Machines to be built, should be well underway by the time of the School.
An important EU strategy workshop was held January 21-25, 2020 at Bad Honnhef (Germany). The outcomes were presented in June 2020 (see link here below). Besides decisions on the Chinese side are also underway. Therefore the detailed program of this keynote session will be available in due time following what will be the status by June 2021.
Currently in project: two Linear Colliders projects (ILC and CLIC) and two Circular Higgs Factory projects: CepC (in China) and FCC-ee in Europe (CERN).

This first session on the Future HEP Machines, will be devoted to the electron-positron projects still to be considered at the time of the school. It will be presented by worldwide key experts with Prof. Juan Fuster (IFIC-UV Valencia) as chair of this session.

Presentation materials