Formerly Director of the Joint European Torus (JET) AT CULHAM UK, and Director of the French CEA's magnetic fusion research department (DRFC, today IRFM), Jean Jacquinot has been closely associated with ITER for the past quarter century. He is presently a scientific advisor to the French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy and Senior Advisor to the ITER Director-General.
As introduction, here below the abstract of the article:
ITER: The Stakes of a Major International Collaboration
by Jean Jacquinot, Gabriel Marbach
In Revue internationale et stratégique Volume 55, Issue 3, 2004, pages 93 to 97
"For the last few months, officials from six important countries or groups of countries – China, North Korea, the United States, Russia, Japan and the European Union (EU) – have been working together in order to launch a global research initiative of magnetic fusion on occasion of the ITER project (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). This collaboration brings about competition, for instance on the question of the ITER’s settlement which is played out between the EU, who proposed Cadarache in the South-East of France, and Japan who put forward Rokkasho-Mura. However, signifying a global rising of awareness of an energy problem which is of concern to all mankind, the ITER project is thus strategic for the future, as it opens the perspective of placing an abundant source of energy, respectful of the environment, at humanity’s disposal."