22 August 2021 to 5 September 2021
Autonoma de Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone



23 Aug 2021, 08:30
Auditorium of Faculty of Biology (Autonoma de Madrid)

Auditorium of Faculty of Biology

Autonoma de Madrid



OPENING SESSION and REGISTRATION: PRESENTATION of the AUTONOMA in MADRID: Academics and Research and of the others Universities and Research Labs in Madrid collaborating to the School

  • Alberto CASAS (IFT, UAM-CSIC)
  • Jose Del PESO (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES))


The SCHOOL OPENING DAY will include, in the plenary morning session the presentation of the Autonoma University in Madrid from the academic and research aspects. The nice green Campus situated in the North outskirts of Madrid at Canto Bello gathers a series of high level Schools and Research Labs of which a number are providing an impressive support to this School edition such as: the School of Sciences, the Institute of Theroetical Physics, the Polytechnic School of the UAM, the CMAM, IMDEA. Moreover other Universities, Research Centers abd University Hospitals are providing a valuable and highly expert contribution to the School, showing the intense educational and research activities of Madrid and its region. Among them CIEMAT, URJC and Hospitales de Madrid (HM) will contribute to this morning opening session.

At the end of the morning session the school organizers will present the ambitious goals of this cross-disciplinary school as well as a brief recap on the main organizational aspects.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
23/08/2021, 08:30
Prof. Miguel MANSO-SILVAN (Vice Rector of the UAM Campus and Infrastuctures, AUTONOMA de MADRID)
23/08/2021, 10:00
Dr Esperanza LOPEZ MANZANARES (Member of the IFT Council, UAM, CSIC, Madrid, SP)
23/08/2021, 10:30
Prof. Jose Luis PAU (Vice Dean of Research, UAM, Madrid, SP)
23/08/2021, 10:50
Dr Jose Manuel PEREZ (Director of the Tehnology Department of CIEMAT)
23/08/2021, 11:30
Dr Lina GARCIA (HM Puerta del Sur, Head of the Nuclear Medecine), Prof. Norberto MALPICA (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Director of the Medical Imaging Laboratory)
23/08/2021, 12:20
Prof. Jose Maria MARTINEZ SANCHEZ (Director of the Polytechnic School at UAM)
Building timetable...