22 August 2021 to 5 September 2021
Autonoma de Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone



3 Sept 2021, 18:00
Auditorium of Faculty of Biology (Autonoma de Madrid)

Auditorium of Faculty of Biology

Autonoma de Madrid



The sport session is opened to all the participants to the School: PhD's Postdocs, Lecturers, Lab organizers, staff of the School organization...

It consists: in
the traditional running race organized around the UAM Campus.

The running race starts at 6pm sharp after the Labs session. It is followed by a drink (7 to 8pm) at the terrace of the Cafeteria of the Psychology (see map in the attached document here)

The registered runners are:
Angel Torrado Carvajal
Pablo Reviriego
Grace Cummings
Alexander Bernal
Viveka Gautam
Oscar David Ferrer Naval
Kaylyn Olshanovski
Luis Monsonis Romero
Lais Soares Lavra
Jean Gabriel Cuby
Alexander Zaytsev
Alberto Prades
Johannes Wuthrich
Romero Lamas
Neil Moffat
David Cerdeno
Konstantin Androsov
Giacomo Fedi
Santiago Avila
Aurore Savoy-Navarro

The winners #1 and #2 are very close:
Alexander Bernal (18' 50") and Giacomo Fedi (19') for 4.7 kms.
Congrats to all the participants!

Presentation materials

Building timetable...