This is the autumn meeting of a series of workshops on gravity and cosmology, held in the faculty of physics, university of Warsaw. We focus on the following topics this time:
- modified gravity;
- gravitational waves;
Invited speakers:
- Francesco Di Filippo
- Ai-chen Li
- João Magueijo
- Rene Meyer
- Jakub Mielczare
- Johannes Noller
- Jerome Quintin
- Xin Ren
- Siyi Zhou
- Chunshan Lin (self-invited)
The workshop site will be held at seminar room 4.50,
faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, ul. Pasteura 5.
For previous workshops, the last winter meeting can be found here, the spring meeting can be found here, and summer Beyond meeting (biannual).
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.