8:30 AM
PDF fits with heavy-flavour production and quarkonia at the LHC: opportunities, results and issues with present approaches and beyond
Maria Vittoria Garzelli
(Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
8:50 AM
Introduction and open questions in proton-nucleus collisions
John Matthew Durham
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9:10 AM
Nuclear PDF with NNPDF: constraints without parameterisation bias and next steps
Rabah Abdul Khalek
9:30 AM
Coherent Energy loss as dominant explanation of nuclear modification: new developments and ways forward
Charles-Joseph Naïm
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
10:30 AM
New obervables in pA collsiions: feasibility and status of chic, etac and DY
Jana Crkovska
(Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))
10:50 AM
CGC inclusive particle production: latest developments and open points
Bertrand Ducloue
(The University of Edinburgh)
11:10 AM
Flow like patterns in pA and pp with quarkonia and heavy-flavour
Florian Damas
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
11:30 AM
Opportunities and caveats with nuclear pA heavy-flavour and quarkonium data: input data and combination attempts (CANCELLED)
Ingo Schienbein
(Universite Grenoble Alpes)