8:30 AM
proton-proton, electron-proton and electron-positron collisions
(until 12:00 PM)
8:30 AM
Introduction to the philosophy of the "Quarkonia as Tools" workshops
8:50 AM
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Factorisation in Quarkonium Production* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)
Thomas Mehen
(Duke University)
9:10 AM
Overview of "conventional" quarkonium measurements : what's new ?
Xu Li
9:30 AM
KT factorisation in quarkonium production: associated production and going to one-loop accuracy
- Dr
Maxim Nefedov
(Samara State University)
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Experimental overview of less conventional quarkonia: eta(c), chi(Q), X(3872) production
Jibo He
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
10:50 AM
Quarkonium in/with/outside jets
Yiannis Makris
11:10 AM
Overview on Quarkonium Associated Measurements at the LHC (Onium pair, Onium+Q, Onium Z/W, ...)
Amy Tee
(Lancaster University (GB))
11:30 AM
Brainstorming on EIC "Inclusive" quarkonium production vs the HERA legacy
Jianwei Qiu
(Jefferson Lab)
8:30 AM
exclusive/diffractive reactions
Charlotte Barbara Van Hulse
(University College Dublin (IE))
(until 12:00 PM)
8:30 AM
Exclusive measurements of quarkonia and TCS in lepton-nucleon interactions
Marie Boer
8:55 AM
Measurements of quarkonia in Ultra-Peripheral Collisions at RHIC
Jaroslav Adam
9:15 AM
Measurements of quarkonia in Ultra-Peripheral Collisions at LHC
Marek Bohdan Walczak
(University of Warsaw (PL))
9:35 AM
Isolation in inclusive and exclusive processes
Ronan Mcnulty
(University College Dublin (IE))
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Exclusive double quarkonium production and generalized TMDs of gluons
Shohini Bhattacharya
(Temple University)
10:50 AM
Tensor polarisation as a probe for hadrons and hadronic matter
Oleg Teryaev
11:10 AM
Extraction of the low x and low scale gluon PDF via Ultra-Peripheral Collisions
Chris Flett
11:30 AM
Ultra-peripheral collisions to constrain GPDs
Cedric Mezrag
8:30 AM
TMDs, Spin, etc
(until 12:00 PM)
8:30 AM
Unpolarized TMDs: pheno status
Ignazio Scimemi
(Universidad Complutense (ES))
8:50 AM
COMPASS quarkonium physics cases
Stephane Platchkov
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
9:10 AM
Single Transverse Spin Asymetries: Sivers vs Collins (who wins?)
Shinsuke Yoshida
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9:30 AM
Jpsi and Jpsi+jet lepto-production: what to expect from the EIC
Pieter Maria Taels
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Single Transverse Spin Asymetries in quarkonium production: TMD vs CT3 vs CGI vs GPM vs...
Rajesh sangem
(IIT Bombay)
10:50 AM
LHC-Fixed-Target Quarkonium Physics Case
Laure Marie Massacrier
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
11:10 AM
Probing gluon Sivers functions with the Odderon...
Renaud Boussarie
(Brookhaven National Lab)
11:30 AM
Spin correlations in Double Parton Scattering
Tomas Kasemets
(JGU Mainz)
8:30 AM
proton-nucleus and electron-nucleus
(until 12:00 PM)
8:30 AM
PDF fits with heavy-flavour production and quarkonia at the LHC: opportunities, results and issues with present approaches and beyond
Maria Vittoria Garzelli
(Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
8:50 AM
Introduction and open questions in proton-nucleus collisions
John Matthew Durham
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9:10 AM
Nuclear PDF with NNPDF: constraints without parameterisation bias and next steps
Rabah Abdul Khalek
9:30 AM
Coherent Energy loss as dominant explanation of nuclear modification: new developments and ways forward
- Mr
Charles-Joseph Naïm
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
New obervables in pA collsiions: feasibility and status of chic, etac and DY
Jana Crkovska
(Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))
10:50 AM
CGC inclusive particle production: latest developments and open points
Bertrand Ducloue
(The University of Edinburgh)
11:10 AM
Flow like patterns in pA and pp with quarkonia and heavy-flavour
Florian Damas
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
11:30 AM
Opportunities and caveats with nuclear pA heavy-flavour and quarkonium data: input data and combination attempts (CANCELLED)
Ingo Schienbein
(Universite Grenoble Alpes)
8:30 AM
nucleus-nucleus collisions
Émilien Chapon
(until 12:00 PM)
8:30 AM
Open quantum systems for quarkonia
- Dr
Xiaojun Yao
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
8:50 AM
Quarkonium dynamics with a 1D quantum master equation
Stéphane Delorme
9:10 AM
Bottomonia in AA
Jaebeom Park
(Korea University (KR))
9:30 AM
Charmonia in AA
Ionut Cristian Arsene
(University of Oslo (NO))
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
High pt charmonia in AA
Chun-Lu Huang
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
10:50 AM
Upsilon flow
Robin Caron
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
11:10 AM
Quarkonia in AA in LHCb: results and prospects
- Dr
Benjamin Audurier
(Centre national de la recherche scientifique)
8:30 AM
(until 10:30 AM)
8:30 AM
Status on DPS factorisation
Jonathan Richard Gaunt
8:50 AM
Status on dPDF evolution
Riccardo Nagar
(University of Milan Bicocca – INFN)
9:10 AM
Satus of DPS studies with quarkonia
- Dr
Nodoka Yamanaka
(University of Massachusetts)
9:30 AM
Theoretical developments and phenomenology of DPS: quarkonium and beyond
Matteo Rinaldi
(Perugia University and INFN, Perugia)
9:50 AM
DPS in pA collisions and TPS
David d'Enterria
10:10 AM
10:30 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:00 AM
Round table
(until 1:00 PM)
7:00 PM
--- Welcome drink ---
8:00 PM
--- Dinner ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch and free afternoon ---
4:45 PM
proton-proton, electron-proton and electron-positron collisions
(until 8:00 PM)
4:45 PM
Q&A (Young Scientists 15')
5:15 PM
Update of NRQCD fits
Jianxiong Wang
5:25 PM
Theoretical Constraints on low-scale gluon PDFs from Quarkonia
Melih Arslan Ozcelik
5:45 PM
Round table discussion
7:15 PM
Jianxiong Wang
7:30 PM
HELAC-Onia Web
Carlo Flore
(University and INFN, Cagliari)
7:45 PM
Tool session Part 1 (discussion)
8:00 PM
--- Fondue Savoyarde ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch and free afternoon ---
4:45 PM
exclusive/diffractive reactions
Ronan Mcnulty
(University College Dublin (IE))
(until 8:00 PM)
4:45 PM
Q&A (Young Scientists 15')
Ronan Mcnulty
(University College Dublin (IE))
5:15 PM
Importance of relativistic corrections inclusive vs exclusive quarkonium production processes
An-ping Chen
(Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University)
5:25 PM
From Mueller-Navelet jets to forward J/psi+backward jet production
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
(University of pavia and INFN)
5:35 PM
Topical talk (TBC)
5:45 PM
Round table discussion (Young scientists 5' Q&A)
Ronan Mcnulty
(University College Dublin (IE))
7:15 PM
Olivier Mattelaer
7:30 PM
7:45 PM
Tool session Part 2 (discussion)
8:00 PM
--- Dinner ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch and free afternoon ---
5:00 PM
TMDs, Spin, etc
(until 8:00 PM)
5:00 PM
Fitting quarkonium FFs/TMDFFs : progress wrt last year ?
Valerio Bertone
5:10 PM
Semi-analytic computation of quarkonium FFs
Peng Zhang
(Peking University)
5:20 PM
Modeling gluon TMDs
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
(University of pavia and INFN)
5:30 PM
Pythia and J/psi with jets
Volodymyr Kotlyar
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Ukraine (UA))
5:45 PM
Q&A session (young people 15')
6:15 PM
Round table discussion
Umberto D'Alesio
(University of Cagliari)
8:00 PM
--- Dinner ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch and free afternoon ---
5:00 PM
proton-nucleus and electron-nucleus
Michael Andreas Winn
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
(until 8:00 PM)
5:00 PM
Excited quarkonia states in pp and pPb:
- Dr
Biswarup Paul
(Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))
5:15 PM
Q&A (young scientists 15')
5:45 PM
Round table
7:15 PM
Back to the 3 first days
8:00 PM
--- Workshop dinner ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch and free afternoon ---
4:45 PM
nucleus-nucleus collisions
Pol Gossiaux
(until 8:00 PM)
4:45 PM
Q&A (Young Scientists 15')
Pol Gossiaux
5:15 PM
A density operator model for quarkonium production in PbPb collisions
Denys Yen Arrebato-Villar
Denys Yen Arrebato Villar
(IMT Atlatique)
5:25 PM
Topical talks (max 2 of 10')
5:45 PM
Round table discussion
Pol Gossiaux
7:15 PM
Back to the 4 first days
8:00 PM
--- Dinner ---