Quarkonia As Tools 2020

Centre Paul Langevin

Centre Paul Langevin

Aussois, Vanoise Massif, France
Jean-Philippe Lansberg (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

The workshop will be the second edition of a new series of meetings focused on the experimental and theoretical studies of quarkonia as tools to explore the structure of nucleons and nuclei, the phase diagram of QCD, the spin content of the nucleons, the coupling of the Higgs boson to heavy quarks, ...

Each day will be dedicated to specific systems and observables: collisions involving protons, mesons and leptons, proton-nucleus collisions, heavy-ion collisions, polarised nucleons and spin observables, and exclusive reactions including the ultra-peripheral hadron collisions. In order to make your travel plans, note that there will be a session on Saturday morning.

Morning sessions will be reserved for review talks and topical presentations. In the afternoon, we will organise round tables for each topic. We will also organise a session of Tools for Quarkonia (HELAC-Onia, Madgraph, Pythia, ..., Strong2020 Virtual accesses, ...)

Topics & conveners:

  • Monday: H.S. Shao (Sorbonne U.): tools for PDFs, Double Parton Scattering, parton correlations,...
  • Tuesday: C. Van Hulse (University College Dublin): tools for GPDs, Wigner functions,...
  • Wednesday: M.G. Echevarria (Alcalá U.): tools for TMD functions, spin asymmetries,...
  • Thursday: M. Winn (CERN): tools for nuclear PDFs, Cold Nuclear Matter,...
  • Friday: E. Chapon (CERN): tools for Quark-Gluon Plasma,...
  • Saturday: DPS, jets, isolation, edition of a write-up

This scientific event is supported by the CNRS-IN2P3 (TMD@NLO, LIA FCPPL, PICS Excitonium), the P2I Dept. Paris Saclay U., the GDR QCD and the Labex P2IO.

Previous workshops:
Quarkonia As Tools 2019, January 13-19 2019, Aussois (France)

    • 19:00 19:45
      Welcome drink 45m Bar


    • 20:00 22:00
      Dinner 2h
    • 08:30 12:00
      proton-proton, electron-proton and electron-positron collisions: review talks
      • 08:30
        Introduction to the philosophy of the "Quarkonia as Tools" workshops 20m
      • 08:50
        Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Factorisation in Quarkonium Production* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) 20m

        low pT (TMD), high pT (FF), end point (SCET), quarkonium + heavy quark (CT), double quarkonium (new issue ?)

        Speaker: Thomas Mehen (Duke University)
      • 09:10
        Overview of "conventional" quarkonium measurements : what's new ? 20m
        Speaker: Xu Li (Tsinghua)
      • 09:30
        KT factorisation in quarkonium production: associated production and going to one-loop accuracy 20m
        Speaker: Dr Maxim Nefedov (Samara State University)
      • 10:00
        Coffee break 30m
      • 10:30
        Experimental overview of less conventional quarkonia: eta(c), chi(Q), X(3872) production 20m
        Speaker: Jibo He (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
      • 10:50
        Quarkonium in/with/outside jets 20m
        Speaker: Yiannis Makris
      • 11:10
        Overview on Quarkonium Associated Measurements at the LHC (Onium pair, Onium+Q, Onium Z/W, ...) 20m
        Speaker: Amy Tee (Lancaster University (GB))
      • 11:30
        Brainstorming on EIC "Inclusive" quarkonium production vs the HERA legacy 20m
        Speaker: Jianwei Qiu (Jefferson Lab)
    • 12:00 16:45
      Lunch and free afternoon 4h 45m
    • 16:45 20:00
      proton-proton, electron-proton and electron-positron collisions: Afternoon session: Q&A, topical talk & table
      • 16:45
        Q&A (Young Scientists 15') 30m
      • 17:15
        Update of NRQCD fits 10m
        Speaker: Jianxiong Wang (IN)
      • 17:25
        Theoretical Constraints on low-scale gluon PDFs from Quarkonia 10m
        Speaker: Melih Arslan Ozcelik
      • 17:45
        Round table discussion 1h 30m

        Chair: Vato Kartvelishvili

      • 19:15
        FDC 15m
        Speaker: Jianxiong Wang (IN)
      • 19:30
        HELAC-Onia Web 15m
        Speaker: Carlo Flore (University and INFN, Cagliari)
      • 19:45
        Tool session Part 1 (discussion) 15m
    • 20:00 22:00
      Fondue Savoyarde 2h
    • 08:30 12:00
      exclusive/diffractive reactions: review talks
      Convener: Charlotte Barbara Van Hulse (University College Dublin (IE))
      • 08:30
        Exclusive measurements of quarkonia and TCS in lepton-nucleon interactions 25m
        Speaker: Marie Boer (JLab)
      • 08:55
        Measurements of quarkonia in Ultra-Peripheral Collisions at RHIC 20m
        Speaker: Jaroslav Adam (BNL)
      • 09:15
        Measurements of quarkonia in Ultra-Peripheral Collisions at LHC 20m
        Speaker: Marek Bohdan Walczak (University of Warsaw (PL))
      • 09:35
        Isolation in inclusive and exclusive processes 20m
        Speaker: Ronan Mcnulty (University College Dublin (IE))
      • 10:00
        Coffee break 30m
      • 10:30
        Exclusive double quarkonium production and generalized TMDs of gluons 20m
        Speaker: Shohini Bhattacharya (Temple University)
      • 10:50
        Tensor polarisation as a probe for hadrons and hadronic matter 20m
        Speaker: Oleg Teryaev (JINR)
      • 11:10
        Extraction of the low x and low scale gluon PDF via Ultra-Peripheral Collisions 20m
        Speaker: Chris Flett
      • 11:30
        Ultra-peripheral collisions to constrain GPDs 20m
        Speaker: Cedric Mezrag
    • 12:00 16:45
      Lunch and free afternoon 4h 45m
    • 16:45 20:00
      exclusive/diffractive reactions: round table
      Convener: Ronan Mcnulty (University College Dublin (IE))
      • 16:45
        Q&A (Young Scientists 15') 30m
        Speaker: Ronan Mcnulty (University College Dublin (IE))
      • 17:15
        Importance of relativistic corrections inclusive vs exclusive quarkonium production processes 10m
        Speaker: An-ping Chen (Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University)
      • 17:25
        From Mueller-Navelet jets to forward J/psi+backward jet production 10m
        Speaker: Francesco Giovanni Celiberto (University of pavia and INFN)
      • 17:35
        Topical talk (TBC) 10m
      • 17:45
        Round table discussion (Young scientists 5' Q&A) 1h 30m
        Speaker: Ronan Mcnulty (University College Dublin (IE))
      • 19:15
        Madgraph5 15m
        Speaker: Olivier Mattelaer (UCLouvain)
      • 19:30
        TBC 15m
      • 19:45
        Tool session Part 2 (discussion) 15m
    • 20:00 22:00
      Dinner 2h
    • 08:30 12:00
      proton-nucleus and electron-nucleus
      • 08:30
        PDF fits with heavy-flavour production and quarkonia at the LHC: opportunities, results and issues with present approaches and beyond 20m
        Speaker: Maria Vittoria Garzelli (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
      • 08:50
        Introduction and open questions in proton-nucleus collisions 20m
        Speaker: John Matthew Durham (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
      • 09:10
        Nuclear PDF with NNPDF: constraints without parameterisation bias and next steps 20m
        Speaker: Rabah Abdul Khalek (Nikhef)
      • 09:30
        Coherent Energy loss as dominant explanation of nuclear modification: new developments and ways forward 20m
        Speaker: Mr Charles-Joseph Naïm (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 10:00
        Coffee break 30m
      • 10:30
        New obervables in pA collsiions: feasibility and status of chic, etac and DY 20m
        Speaker: Jana Crkovska (Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))
      • 10:50
        CGC inclusive particle production: latest developments and open points 20m
        Speaker: Bertrand Ducloue (The University of Edinburgh)
      • 11:10
        Flow like patterns in pA and pp with quarkonia and heavy-flavour 20m
        Speaker: Florian Damas (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 11:30
        Opportunities and caveats with nuclear pA heavy-flavour and quarkonium data: input data and combination attempts (CANCELLED) 20m
        Speaker: Ingo Schienbein (Universite Grenoble Alpes)
    • 12:00 16:45
      Lunch and free afternoon 4h 45m
    • 17:00 20:00
      proton-nucleus and electron-nucleus: Question session, short presentations and round table
      Convener: Michael Andreas Winn (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 17:00
        Excited quarkonia states in pp and pPb: 10m
        Speaker: Dr Biswarup Paul (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))
      • 17:15
        Q&A (young scientists 15') 30m
      • 17:45
        Round table 1h 30m

        Questions/items for animation:
        - conceptual problems and underlying assumptions within different theoretical approaches to pPb collisions
        - trial to build clear consensus on measurements that are decisive in point 1
        - separation (which diagram is used where and neglected elsewhere) and unification of approaches: what do we know and what should we know to make fits/combinations or usage for other questions
        - collective effects: to which extent relevant? For radial flow, any quantitative estimate to which extent it can be explained by kt-broadening?
        4) Measurements at EIC

      • 19:15
        Back to the 3 first days 45m
    • 20:00 22:30
      Workshop dinner 2h 30m
    • 08:30 12:00
      nucleus-nucleus collisions: Morning session
      Convener: Émilien Chapon (CERN)
      • 08:30
        Open quantum systems for quarkonia 20m
        Speaker: Dr Xiaojun Yao (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      • 08:50
        Quarkonium dynamics with a 1D quantum master equation 20m
        Speaker: Stéphane Delorme (Subatech)
      • 09:10
        Bottomonia in AA 20m
        Speaker: Jaebeom Park (Korea University (KR))
      • 09:30
        Charmonia in AA 20m
        Speaker: Ionut Cristian Arsene (University of Oslo (NO))
      • 10:00
        Coffee break 30m
      • 10:30
        High pt charmonia in AA 20m
        Speaker: Chun-Lu Huang (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 10:50
        Upsilon flow 20m
        Speaker: Robin Caron (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 11:10
        Quarkonia in AA in LHCb: results and prospects 20m
        Speaker: Dr Benjamin Audurier (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)
    • 12:00 16:45
      Lunch and free afternoon 4h 45m
    • 16:45 20:00
      nucleus-nucleus collisions: Round table and discussion
      Convener: Pol Gossiaux (Subatech)
      • 16:45
        Q&A (Young Scientists 15') 30m
        Speaker: Pol Gossiaux (Subatech)
      • 17:15
        A density operator model for quarkonium production in PbPb collisions 10m
        Speakers: Denys Yen Arrebato Villar (IMT Atlatique), Denys Yen Arrebato-Villar
      • 17:25
        Topical talks (max 2 of 10') 20m
      • 17:45
        Round table discussion 1h 30m
        Speaker: Pol Gossiaux (Subatech)
      • 19:15
        Back to the 4 first days 45m
    • 20:00 22:00
      Dinner 2h
    • 08:30 10:30
      • 08:30
        Status on DPS factorisation 20m
        Speaker: Jonathan Richard Gaunt (CERN)
      • 08:50
        Status on dPDF evolution 20m
        Speaker: Riccardo Nagar (University of Milan Bicocca – INFN)
      • 09:10
        Satus of DPS studies with quarkonia 20m
        Speaker: Dr Nodoka Yamanaka (University of Massachusetts)
      • 09:30
        Theoretical developments and phenomenology of DPS: quarkonium and beyond 20m

        (Could be on Saturday if Riccardo comes)

        Speaker: Matteo Rinaldi (Perugia University and INFN, Perugia)
      • 09:50
        DPS in pA collisions and TPS 20m
        Speaker: David d'Enterria (CERN)
      • 10:10
        Discussion 20m
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee 30m
    • 11:00 13:00
      Round table
    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch 1h