Status of the DeeMe experiment to search for $\mu$-$e$ conversion at J-PARC MLF

8 Sept 2021, 12:40
Parallel 4

Parallel 4

Oral WG 4


Dr Natsuki Teshima (Osaka City University)


The DeeMe experiment aims to search for one of the charged lepton flavor violating processes, muon to electron conversion in the field of a nucleus. Our goal is to measure the process with a single event sensitivity of $1 \times 10^{-13}$ for a graphite target with a novel method, with which the final sensitivity could reach down to a level of $10^{-15}$ for a silicon carbide target. That is one or two orders of magnitude better than the current upper limits, $7 \times 10^{-13}$ for a gold target by the SINDRUM-II experiment at PSI and $4.6 \times 10^{-12}$ for a titanium target by the experiment at TRIUMF. The construction of the secondary beamline, H Line, is now in progress. Meanwhile, we measured the momentum spectrum of electrons through muon decay-in-orbit (DIO) for the momentum region 48--62 $\ \mathrm{MeV/}c$ at the D2 area, MLF. I will present the preparation status of DeeMe, the detector development, and the measurement of the DIO spectrum.

Working group WG4


Dr Natsuki Teshima (Osaka City University)

Presentation materials