NuFact 2021: The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators

from Monday 6 September 2021 (08:00) to Saturday 11 September 2021 (23:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
6 Sept 2021
7 Sept 2021
8 Sept 2021
9 Sept 2021
10 Sept 2021
11 Sept 2021
Plenary - Albert De Roeck (CERN) (until 11:00)
09:00 WG1 - Jian Tang (Sun Yat-Sen University)  
09:20 WG2 - adi ashkenazi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)  
09:40 WG3 - Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)  
10:00 WG4 - Frederik Wauters (Universität Mainz)  
10:20 WG5 - Richard Ruiz (Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ) PAN)  
10:40 WG6 - Yasuhiro NISHIMURA (Keio University)  
11:00 --- Lunch break ---
Special session - Marcos Dracos Tord Johan Carl Ekelof (Uppsala University (SE)) (until 11:45)
09:00 Introduction of the ESSnuSB/HIFI Design Study program 2022-2025 - Marcos Dracos  
09:20 Civil engineering and safety requirements for ESSnuSB at the ESS site - Boris Kildetoft  
09:40 Civil engineering and safety requirements for ESSnuSB at the Far Detector site - David Saiang  
10:00 Environment preservation and societal commitment - Colin Carlile (Uppsala University)  
10:20 Prospects for decay-at-rest and coherent neutrino scattering at ESS - janet conrad (MIT)  
10:40 Design of a Low Energy (0.4 GeV) nuSTORM race-track ring - Maja Olvegard  
11:00 Upgrades of the ESSnuSB design required to enable tests of the Muon Collider Proton Complex - Tord Johan Carl Ekelof (Uppsala University (SE))  
11:20 A possible ultimate goal: A Muon Collider Higgs Factor based at ESS - Carlo Rubbia (GSSI (Gran Sasso Science Institute))  
11:45 --- Lunch ---
Poster session NB: do not use Safari; use Firefox, Chrome or Edge - Matteo Cadeddu (INFN) Hélio da Motta (CBPF) Francesca Dordei (INFN, Cagliari (IT)) (until 11:40)
11:40 --- Lunch ---
Special session - Andrea Longhin (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) (until 12:10)
09:00 Lepton reconstruction in the ENUBET tagger and detectors for the high precision cross section program - Fabio Pupilli (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))  
09:25 nuSTORM physics reach: cross sections and exotics - Luis Alvarez-Ruso  
09:50 Detector R&D for the ENUBET instrumented decay region - Fabio Iacob (Università di Padova)  
10:15 Development and optimization of the ENUBET beamline - Michelangelo Pari (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))  
10:40 Design of a common beam line for ENUBET/nuSTORM - Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College, London)  
11:05 Fluxes and systematics reduction with decay monitoring - Antonio Branca (INFN) Antonio Branca (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Antonio Branca (Universita e INFN (IT))  
11:30 Neutrino fluxes from nuSTORM - Paul Kyberd (Brunel University (GB))  
11:55 Possible layouts at CERN - Rui Franqueira Ximenes (CERN)  
Special session - Matteo Tuveri (INFN Cagliari) Francesca Dordei (INFN, Cagliari (IT)) Matteo Cadeddu (Cagliari University and INFN) (until 11:25)
09:00 Particle Physics Role Play Games in introductory physics courses - Lorenzo Galante (Politecnico di Torino)  
09:20 Creativity at its best: making science by making art - Matteo Tuveri (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)  
09:40 Warning!”: an interdisciplinary project to discuss about the big planetary threats - Enrico Mazzoni (INFN-Pisa)  
10:00 Analysis of the management of conference presentations in the CMS collaboration - Arnd Meyer (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))  
10:20 Involving the new generations in Fermilab future endeavours - Simone Donati (University of Pisa and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)  
10:40 New particle search with the REINFORCE citizen science project - Christine Kourkoumelis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))  
11:00 How high school teachers can help narrow the gender gap in STEM education - Niharika Kulshresth (The Scindia School)  
11:25 --- Lunch break ---
Formal Conference Opening an Welcome from Authorities: Plenary - Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) Walter Marcello Bonivento (INFN Cagliari) (until 12:40)
12:20 Official opening of the conference - Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) Walter Marcello Bonivento (INFN Cagliari)  
12:25 Welcome by the Mayor of Cagliari, Dott. Truzzu  
12:30 Welcome by the Director of INFN Cagliari Division, Dott. Masoni  
12:33 Welcome by the pro-Rector of the University of Cagliari, Prof. Colombo  
12:36 Welcome by the Director of the Physics Department of the University of Cagliari Prof. Usai  
Plenary - Neil McCauley (University of Liverpool) (until 14:10)
12:40 Results from T2K - Dr Ciro Riccio (Stony Brook University (US))  
13:10 Results from NOvA - Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)  
13:40 Status of DUNE - Guang Yang (Stony Brook University)  
14:10 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary - Adam Jude Aurisano (University of Cincinnati (US)) (until 15:55)
14:25 Status of HyperK - Ken Sakashita (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))  
14:55 Status of JUNO - Alessandro Paoloni (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)) alessandro paoloni  
15:25 Results of global fits - Thomas Schwetz (KIT)  
15:55 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary - Tatsuya Kikawa (Kyoto University) (until 17:35)
16:05 Towards (semi) exclusive cross section measurements and modeling - Maria Benedetta Barbaro (Universita' di Torino)  
16:35 Everything a neutrino experimentalist wants to ask the electron scattering community - Lawrence Weinstein (ODU)  
17:05 SBN and MicroBoone status and plans - Maurizio Bonesini (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) Maurizio Bonesini (Sezione INFN Milano Bicocca)  
17:35 Status of Muon Collider R&D - Daniel Schulte (CERN)  
Plenary - Davide Sgalaberna (ETH Zurich (CH)) (until 14:10)
12:40 PMT development for Hyper-Kamiokande - Christophe Bronner  
13:10 Future near detectors - Hirohisa Tanaka (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)) Mr Hirohisa A. Tanaka (SLAC/Stanford University)  
13:40 Noble element detectors - Filippo Resnati (CERN)  
14:10 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary - adi ashkenazi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (until 15:50)
14:20 Shallow and deep inelastic scattering - Jorge G. Morfin (Fermilab)  
14:50 Results from MINERvA - Michael Kordosky (William and Mary)  
15:20 Status of ESSnuSB and summary of workshop - Budimir Klicek (Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb)  
15:50 --- Break ---
WG 1 + WG 5 (WG1 zoom) - Neil McCauley (University of Liverpool) (until 17:30)
16:00 Short-Baseline neutrino oscillation searches with the ICARUS detector - Marta Torti (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))  
16:22 MicroBooNE's Search for a Photon-Like Low Energy Excess - Kathryn Sutton (Columbia University)  
16:44 Beyond-Standard-Model Neutrino Oscillations Studies in IceCube - Grant Parker  
17:06 Overview of neutrino electromagnetic properties (the theory, laboratory experiments and astrophysical probes) - Alexander Studenikin (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))  
WG 2 + WG 6 (WG2 zoom) - Bryan Joseph Ramson (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 17:30)
16:00 First results from the ARTIE experiment - Emilija Pantic (UC Davis)  
16:20 Total Neutron cross section measurement with a 3D projection scintillator tracker for long-baseline neutrino experiments - Guang Yang (Stony Brook University)  
16:40 Detecting reactor antineutrinos with a liquid argon scintillating bubble chamber - Luis Flores  
17:00 Towards the measurement of neutrino cross section on H2O and CH target at 1 GeV region by T2K-WAGASCI experimet - Mr Kenji Yasutome (Kyoto University)  
WG 3 - Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab) (until 17:30)
16:00 ESSνSB Linac and Transfer Line: Lattice Design and Error Studies - Benjamin Folsom (European Spallation Source)  
16:20 An accumulator ring for the 5 MW beam for the ESSnuSB - Maja Olvegaard  
16:40 Status of the ESSνSB Target Station - Łukasz Łacny (AGH University of Science and Technology) Piotr Cupiał (AGH University of Science and Technology)  
17:00 The ENUBET project: a monitored neutrino beam - Giulia Brunetti (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))  
WG 4 - Yuki Fujii (Monash University) (until 17:30)
16:00 MEG II experiment status and prospect - Manuel Meucci (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)  
16:30 Search for LFV with the Mu3e experiment - Alexandr Kozlinskiy (Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)  
17:00 The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab - Gianantonio Pezzullo (Yale University)  
WG 1 - Jian Tang (Sun Yat-Sen University) (until 14:10)
12:40 Latest results from NOvA - Matthew Strait (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)  
13:02 Latest results from T2K - Justyna Lagoda (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))  
13:24 DUNE long-baseline oscillation physics sensitivity - Chris Marshall (University of Rochester)  
13:46 Long-baseline neutrino oscillation sensitivities with Hyper-Kamiokande - Laura-Iuliana Munteanu (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))  
WG 2 - Ryan Plestid (University of Kentucky) (until 14:10)
12:40 NuWro Strategy and Recent Development - Kajetan Niewczas (UWR)  
12:58 NEUT Strategy - Dr Yoshinari Hayato (University of Tokyo)  
13:16 AGKY Hadronization Model Tuning in GENIE 3 - Julia Tena Vidal (University of Liverpool)  
13:34 Exhaustive neural importance sampling applied to Monte Carlo event generation - Dr Sebastian Pina-Otey (University of Geneva)  
13:52 Inelastic Axial and Vector Structure Functions for Electron- and Neutrino- Nucleon Scattering 2021 Update - Arie Bodek (University of Rochester (US))  
WG 3 - Tsunayuki Matsubara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) (until 14:10)
12:40 ESS Accelerator Status and Commissioning Plans - Natalia Milas (ESS)  
13:10 An Upgrade Path for the Fermilab Accelerator Complex - Jeffrey Eldred (Fermilab)  
13:40 Extinction Measurement at J-PARC MR with Slow-Extracted Pulsed Proton Beam for COMET Experiment - Kyohei Noguchi (Kyushu University)  
WG 4 - Frederik Wauters (Universität Mainz) (until 14:10)
12:40 Status of the DeeMe experiment to search for $\mu$-$e$ conversion at J-PARC MLF - Dr Natsuki Teshima (Osaka City University)  
13:10 Mu2e-II An Upgrade of the Mu2e for the Fermilab PIP-II Era - Edmond Dukes  
13:40 Search for Muon to Electron Conversion at J-PARC - COMET Experiment - - Cristina Carloganu (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))  
WG 5 - Serguey Petcov (SISSA/INFN, Trieste, Italy) (until 14:10)
12:40 Reactor antineutrino anomaly in light of recent flux model refinements - Zhao Xin (Institute of High Energy Physics)  
13:02 Neutrino oscillations in presence of large extra dimensions at JUNO and TAO - Christoph Andreas Ternes (INFN, Sezione di Torino)  
13:24 Recent results of the DANSS experiment - Igor Alekseev (Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics)  
13:46 Recent results of the SoLid experiment - d Galbinski (ICL)  
14:10 --- Coffee Break ---
WG 1 - Adam Jude Aurisano (University of Cincinnati (US)) (until 15:50)
14:20 Latest results from Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment - Prof. Juan Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux (University of California - Irvine)  
14:38 Neutrino Oscillation Physics in JUNO - Dr Diana NAVAS NICOLAS (IJCLab)  
14:56 Resolving the NOvA and T2K tension in the presence of Neutrino Non-Standard Interactions - Sabya Sachi Chatterjee (IPPP, Durham University)  
15:14 Oscillation probability for non-standard interactions of neutrino propagation in matter - Mr Ankur Nath (Tezpur University)  
WG 2 - Julia Tena Vidal (University of Liverpool) (until 15:50)
14:20 Recent neutrino cross-section results from MicroBooNE - Dr Elena Gramellini (Fermilab )  
14:40 Neutrino-induced proton knockout in MicroBooNE - Samantha Sword-Fehlberg (NMSU)  
15:00 QED radiative corrections to charged-current neutrino-nucleon elastic scattering for accelerator neutrino experiments - Oleksandr Tomalak (University of Kentucky)  
15:20 Study of tau neutrino production with nuclear emulsion at CERN-SPS - Dr Osamu Sato (Nagoya University)  
WG 3 - Mohammad Eshraqi (ESS - European Spallation Source (SE)) (until 15:50)
14:20 New proton beam monitors for J-PARC neutrino experiment - Megan Friend (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))  
14:50 New muon monitor for J-PARC neutrino experiment - Hina Nakamura (Tokyo University of Science)  
15:20 Megawatt upgrade of NuMI target system - Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)  
WG 4 + WG 6 (WG4 zoom) - Yuri Oksuzian (Argonne National Lab) (until 15:50)
14:20 Detectors for future CLFV experiments - Bertrand Echenard (California Institute of Technology)  
14:50 HV-MAPS - Andre Schoening (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))  
15:20 StrECAL system for COMET Phase-I and Phase-II - Hajime Nishiguchi (KEK)  
WG 5 - Vedran Brdar (MPIK Heidelberg) (until 15:50)
14:20 A New Approach to Probe Non-Standard Interactions in Atmospheric Neutrino Experiments - Mr Anil Kumar (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, SINP, Kolkata, HBNI, Mumbai, India)  
14:40 EFT at FASERnu: an experiment to probe them all - Zahra Tabrizi  
15:00 Belle II experiment: status and prospects - Antonio Passeri  
15:20 Beyond the Standard Model Physics Prospects at Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment - Justo Martin-albo Justo Martin-Albo (Harvard University)  
15:50 --- coffee break ---
WG 3 - Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab) (until 17:30)
16:00 Beam dynamics corrections to the Run-1 measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment at Fermilab - Alessandra Luca (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)  
16:30 IsoDAR: A High Power Cyclotron for Neutrino Physics and Beyond - Mr Loyd Waites (MIT)  
17:00 EMuS at CSNS-II - Dr Nikolaos Vassilopoulos (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)  
WG 4 - Yuki Fujii (Monash University) (until 17:30)
16:00 Searches for lepton flavour/number violation in K+ and pi0 decays at the NA62 experiment - Joel Christopher Swallow (University of Birmingham (GB))  
16:30 Status of lepton universality tests and searches forcharged lepton violation at CMS - Michele Gallinaro (LIP Lisbon)  
17:00 Status and future prospects of lepton universality tests at LHCb - Resmi Puthumanaillam (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France)  
WG 5 - Zahra Tabrizi (until 17:30)
16:00 Searches for New Physics with a Stopped-pion Source at the Fermilab Accelerator Complex - Matthew Toups (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Jacob Zettlemoyer (Fermilab)  
16:20 New sources of leptonic CP violation at the long baseline experiments - Alessio Giarnetti (Roma Tre University & INFN)  
16:40 Probing the effects of scalar Non Standard Interactions at Long Baseline Experiments - Mr Abinash Medhi (Tezpur University)  
17:00 Recent searches for sterile neutrinos at NOvA - Jeremy Edmund Hewes (University of Cincinnati (US))  
WG1+WG2 (WG1 zoom) - Vishvas Pandey (University of Florida) (until 17:30)
16:00 Neutrino interaction modelling and uncertainties for T2K analyses - Dr Clarence Wret (University of Rochester)  
16:18 Parametrising CCQE uncertainties in the Spectral Function model for neutrino oscillation analyses - Jaafar Chakrani (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR))  
16:36 Is T2K missing energy? Searching the electron-scattering data archives for robust removal energy uncertainties - Mr Jordan McElwee (University of Sheffield)  
16:54 MicroBooNE modelling and dedicated tuning, a test case for future LArTPC experiments - Dr Steven Gardiner (Fermilab)  
17:12 Modelling issues for NOvA - Prof. Greg Pawloski (University of Minnesota)  
WG6 - Davide Sgalaberna (ETH Zurich (CH)) (until 17:45)
16:00 Status of the NEXT experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay searches - Mrs Carmen Romo-Luque (IFIC)  
16:18 The Water Cherenkov Test Experiment at CERN - Lauren Anthony (Imperial College London)  
16:36 FERS-5200 platform for large SiPM arrays readout: history, concepts and applications - Yuri Venturini (CAEN SpA)  
16:54 Upgrades of the ARIADNE 1-ton dual-phase optical liquid argon TPC - Dr Konstantinos Mavrokoridis (University of Liverpool)  
17:12 A novel polystyrene based plastic scintillator production process involving additive manufacturing - Dr UMUT KOSE (CERN)  
12:10 --- Lunch ---
WG 3 + WG 4 (WG3 zoom) - Mohammad Eshraqi (ESS - European Spallation Source (SE)) (until 14:10)
12:30 The high-intensity muon beam line (HiMB) project at PSI - Andreas Knecht  
12:55 muCool: A novel low-energy muon beam for future precision experiments - Nicholas John Ayres (ETH Zurich)  
13:20 Muon beams at Fermilab - Diktys Stratakis (Fermilab)  
13:45 MuSIC targetry and beam transport line - Akira Sato (Osaka University)  
WG6 - Yasuhiro NISHIMURA (Keio University) (until 14:15)
12:30 The T2K Near Detector Upgrade - Martin Mihaylov Tzanov (Louisiana State University (US))  
12:50 Super-K Gadolinium - Alexander Goldsack (Oxford University)  
13:10 ProtoDUNE detector - Wenjie Wu (University of California, Irvine)  
13:30 Status of the DUNE near detector - Richard Diurba (University of Minnesota)  
13:50 A LArTPC with Vertical Drift for the DUNE Far Detector - Sabrina Sacerdoti (APC-Paris,France)  
WG 1 - Jian Tang (Sun Yat-Sen University) (until 14:10)
12:40 Recent Results from Super-Kamiokande - Pablo Fernández Menéndez (University of Liverpool)  
12:58 Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations with 8 years of data from IceCube DeepCore - Kayla Leonard DeHolton  
13:16 Physics potential of the ESSnuSB - Salvador Rosauro Alcaraz (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)  
13:34 First neutrino oscillation measurement with KM3NeT/ORCA - Valentin Pestel (Nikhef)  
13:52 Overview of the physics prospects in MOMENT - Dr Sampsa Vihonen (Sun Yat-Sen University)  
WG 2 - Kajetan Niewczas (UWR) (until 14:10)
12:40 Lepton-nucleus interactions within the spectral function approach - Dr Noemi Rocco (Fermilab)  
12:58 Combined neutrino and antineutrino charged current cross section measurement on carbon with zero final state pions in the T2K near detector complex - Caspar Maria Schloesser (ETH Zurich (CH))  
13:16 An improved muon neutrino charged-current single positive pion cross section on water using michel electron reconstruction in the T2K near detector - Sam Jenkins (University of Sheffield)  
13:34 The influence of cross section uncertainties on oscillation physics - Dr Vishvas Pandey (University of Florida)  
WG 5 - Valentina De Romeri (IFIC CSIC/UV Valencia) Valentina De Romeri (IFIC - Universidad de Valencia) (until 14:10)
12:40 FCC: a (heavy) neutrino factory - Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))  
13:00 Tests of neutrino mass models at LHCb - Martino Borsato (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))  
13:20 Tests of neutrino mass models at ATLAS - Tadej Novak (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))  
13:40 Tests of neutrino mass models at CMS - Sungbin Oh (Seoul National University (KR))  
14:10 --- Coffee break ---
WG 1 + WG 6 (WG1 zoom) - Adam Jude Aurisano (University of Cincinnati (US)) (until 15:50)
14:20 Calibration Strategy of the JUNO Experiment - Yue Meng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)  
14:40 Application of machine learning techniques for event reconstruction in JUNO - Dr Yury Malyshkin (JINR, Russia)  
15:00 New Approaches of first selection for Neutron Tagging in Hyper-Kamiokande - Dr Sergio Luis Suarez Gomez (University of Oviedo)  
15:20 Deep Learning Neutrino Event Reconstruction at DUNE - Jianming Bian (University of California Irvine (US))  
WG 2 - Lu Ren (until 15:50)
14:20 Exploring generalized neutrino interactions at the COHERENT - Dr Newton Nath (Instituto de Fisica, National Autonomous University of Mexico)  
14:38 Probing axion-like particles with reactor neutrino experiments - Dimitrios Papoulias (University of Ioannina)  
14:56 Impact of the QCD dynamics on the determination of the high energy astrophysical neutrino flux - Diego RG  
15:14 Possible studies on generalized parton distributions and gravitational form factors - Shunzo Kumano (KEK)  
15:32 The SND@LHC experiment at CERN - Eric Van Herwijnen (CERN)  
WG 3 - Tsunayuki Matsubara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) (until 15:50)
14:20 Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE): Results & Prospects - Chris Rogers (STFC)  
14:50 Normalized Transverse Emittance Reduction via Ionization Cooling in MICE 'Flip Mode' - Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College, London)  
15:10 Analysis of Multiple Coulomb Scattering of Muons in the MICE Liquid H2 Absorber - Gavriil Chatzitheodoridis (University of Strathclyde)  
15:30 Canonical Momentum Growth in MICE "Solenoid Mode" with muon ionisation cooling - Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))  
WG 4 - Frederik Wauters (Universität Mainz) (until 15:50)
14:20 Magnetic Field Analysis for Fermilab Muon g-2 - Alec Tewsley-Booth (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)  
14:50 Search for the muon electric dipole moment at PSI - Prof. Kim Siang Khaw (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (CN))  
15:20 The anomalous precession frequency measurement in the Fermilab Muon $g-2$ experiment - Matteo Sorbara (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics & University of Rome "Tor Vergata")  
WG 5 - Soo-Bong Kim (Seoul National University) (until 15:50)
14:20 Detecting and studying high-energy neutrinos with FASER$\nu$ at the LHC - Xin Chen (Tsinghua University (CN))  
14:42 Search for K+ decays to a lepton and invisible particles - Nicolas Lurkin (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))  
15:04 Status of the SND@LHC experiment - Eric Van Herwijnen (CERN)  
15:26 Latest Results from JSNS2 - Takasumi Maruyama (KEK)  
15:50 --- Coffee Break ---
WG 1 - Neil McCauley (University of Liverpool) (until 17:30)
16:00 JUNO's prospects for determining the neutrino mass ordering - Christoph Andreas Ternes (INFN, Sezione di Torino)  
16:15 Tau Neutrino Physics at DUNE - Adam Jude Aurisano (University of Cincinnati (US))  
16:30 The intermediate water Cherenkov detector for the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment - Ryosuke AKUTSU (TRIUMF)  
16:45 Exploring Matter Effect and Associated Degeneracies at DUNE - SOUMYA C (Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar)  
17:00 Neutrino quantum decoherence at reactor experiments. - Valentina De Romeri (IFIC CSIC/UV Valencia)  
17:15 Quantum Decoherence in Neutrino Oscillations - Prof. Emilio Ciuffoli (IMP, CAS)  
WG 2 - Afroditi Papadopoulou (Massachusetts Institute of technology) (until 17:30)
16:00 Cross Section Measurement of Pion Absorption in ProtoDUNE Single Phase Detector at CERN - Libo Jiang (Virginia Poly. Inst. & State Univ. (US))  
16:20 Muon-neutrino charged-current interactions at the NOvA near detector - Leonidas Aliaga Soplin (Fermilab)  
16:40 Interactions with an Electromagnetic Shower in the Final State at the NOvA Near Detector - Bryan Joseph Ramson (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))  
16:58 Weak structure functions in νl−N and νl−A scattering with nonperturbative and higher order perturbative QCD effects - Dr Huma Haider (Aligarh Muslim University )  
WG 3 - Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab) (until 17:50)
16:00 The FCC project - Frank Zimmermann (CERN)  
16:30 Production of a high quality beam for the muon collider - Chris Rogers (STFC)  
17:00 Discussion for a muon acceleration - Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)  
WG 4 - Yuri Oksuzian (Argonne National Lab) (until 17:30)
16:00 The SM value of g-2 - Dr Peter Stoffer (Iniversität Wien)  
16:30 Muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC - Otani Masashi (KEK)  
17:00 Microwave spectroscopy of the hyperfine structure in muonium: zero-field results and high-field preparation - Prof. Sohtaro Kanda (KEK)  
WG 5 - Sacha Davidson (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) Sacha Davidson (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 17:30)
16:00 Beyond Tree Level at Neutrino Experiments - Vedran Brdar (MPIK Heidelberg)  
16:20 Status of the HOLMES experiment: commissioning of the ion implanter - Dr Giovanni Gallucci (INFN and University of Genova (IT))  
16:40 Latest results from the CUORE experiment - Alberto Ressa  
17:00 Neutrinolss Double Beta Decay search with CUPID - Fabio Bellini (University of Rome)  
Plenary - Tsunayuki Matsubara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) (until 14:10)
12:40 Status of LBNF beam - Keith Gollwitzer (Fermilab)  
13:10 The JPARC neutrino beam and upgrades - Megan Friend (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))  
13:40 High power targets - Kavin Ammigan  
14:10 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary - Frederik Wauters (Universität Mainz) (until 15:50)
14:20 Results from the g-2 experiment - Simon Corrodi  
14:50 Lepton flavour physics in the neutrino and muon sector - Sacha Davidson (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))  
15:20 muon experiments searching for CLFV - Gavin Hesketh (University College London (UK))  
15:50 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary - Carsten Rott (University of Utah) (until 17:30)
16:00 Sterile neutrino searches - Carlos A. Argüelles-Delgado (Harvard University)  
16:30 Theory overview of mass models - Goran Senjanovic  
17:00 Exploring BSM Physics at Neutrino Oscillation Experiments - Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla (IFIC, CSIC-Universiy of Valencia)  
17:30 Scientific Committee Meeting: the zoom is the one of the plenary sessions. The meeting is restricted to SPC members and WG conveners. - Walter Marcello Bonivento (INFN Cagliari) Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))  
Plenary (until 13:20)
12:40 Summary of EnuBET/NuStorm workshop - Andrea Longhin (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))  
13:00 Summary of Outreach and Diversity Workshop - Francesca Dordei (INFN, Cagliari (IT))  
Round table - Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH)) (until 14:10)
13:20 round table - Takashi Kobayashi (KEK) Stefan Soldner-Rembold (University of Manchester (GB)) Sara Bolognesi (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB)) Jonathan Paley (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Francesca Di Lodovico (University of London (GB))  
14:10 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary - Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) (until 15:50)
14:20 WG1 - Neil McCauley (University of Liverpool)  
14:50 WG2 - Natalie Jachowicz (Ghent University (BE))  
15:20 WG3 - Mohammad Eshraqi (ESS - European Spallation Source (SE))  
15:50 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary - Roumen Vassilev Tsenov (University of Sofia) (until 17:30)
16:00 WG4 - Frederik Wauters (Universität Mainz)  
16:30 WG5 - Ian Shoemaker (Virginia Tech)  
17:00 WG6 - Davide Sgalaberna (ETH Zurich (CH))  
17:30 Conference closing and farewell