Sep 6 – 11, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Useful info

Information on sessions zoom links is provided only to registered people or to the speakers.

Below, you can find some other useful information:

If you need to create a CERN indico account, follow the procedure here for a lightweight account:

Info for poster presenters

The poster session will be virtual on Wednesday 8th of September, using the Wonder software (

Speakers need to stay in the circle of the corresponding WG covering the topic of the poster.

If you are planning to present a poster fill this information available here, please.

Please prepare the poster in the A0 format (landscape) together with a 3 minutes maximum video in which you explain the main findings of your research. To record it, you can use e.g. zoom in record mode. Feel free to use the poster in the background while registering the video. You can upload posters and videos using the following link. Please use surname_name_shorttitleposter.pdf/mp3. Uploads will be possible until Sunday, 5th of September 2021 (11:59 PM CEST).

Please, remember to pay the remote speaker fee as soon as possible (deadline: 3rd of September).