Towards the measurement of neutrino cross section on H2O and CH target at 1 GeV region by T2K-WAGASCI experimet

7 Sept 2021, 17:00


Via dei Giudicati, 66, 09131 Cagliari, Italy


Mr Kenji Yasutome (Kyoto University)


The T2K experiment aims to measure CP violation in the lepton sector and the latest T2K results show that CP symmetry is violated at 90% confidence level. To achieve higher significance in this measurement it is essential to reduce both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The T2K-WAGASCI detectors have been introduced to T2K experiment as new near detectors to reduce the systematic uncertainty related to the neutrino-nucleus interactions. They are located at 1.5 degree from the neutrino beam axis, a different off-axis angle with respect to the ND280 detector, and T2K-WAGASCI is therefore exposed to a different neutrino flux and will make new measurements of neutrino-nucleus interactions at the JPARC neutrino beam.

The T2K-WAGASCI consists of two kinds of neutrino target detectors and muon range detectors. WAGASCI modules have a three-dimensional grid structure of plastic scintillator bars and water target. The Proton Module is a fully-active tracking detector consisting of only scintillator strips. These neutrino detectors are surrounded by two side muon range detectors and Baby MIND, a magnetised downstream muon range detector. Baby MIND consists of iron-core magnet planes, with a magnetic field strength of 1.5 T, and scintillator tracking planes. It enables a reduction of the neutrino background for measurements of antineutrinos and vice versa.

In this talk the analysis status on the cross section measurement on H2O and CH target in the 1 GeV energy region with data set corresponding to 6.5 × 10^20 protons on target will be shown and the potential impact on the T2K oscillation measurement will be discussed.

Working group WG2


Mr Kenji Yasutome (Kyoto University)


Presentation materials