Muon Precision Measurements with a Penning Trap

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Shoichiro Nishimura (KEK)


Muon, which has a mass of about 200 times greater than that of an electron, is expected to be a good probe to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. There is a 4.2$\sigma$ discrepancy between the theoretical value of the Standard Model and the experimental value observed from muon $g-2$ experiments [1, 2, 3]. At J-PARC, precision measurements of muon $g-2$ and muonium hyperfine structure are planned [4, 5]. In addition, by combining the ultra-slow muon technology at J-PARC with the Penning trap technology, we plan to measure the mass, lifetime, and magnetic moment of a rest muon with the precision of 1 ppb, 1 ppm, and 1 ppb, respectively. In this talk, we will present the conceptual design and progress of the muon Penning trap project.

[1] B. Abi ${\it et\ al}$., (Muon $g−2$ Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. ${\bf 126}$, 141801
[2] T. Albahri ${\it et\ al}$., (Muon $g−2$ Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D ${\bf 103}$, 072002
[3] T. Albahri ${\it et\ al}$., (The Muon $g−2$ Collaboration) Phys. Rev. A ${\bf 103}$, 042208
[4] M. Abe ${\it et\ al}$., Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2019, 053C02.
[5] S. Kanda ${\it et\ al}$., Phys. Lett. B ${\bf 815}$ 136154.

Working group WG4



koichiro shimomura (KEK IMSS) Taihei Adachi (KEK IMSS) Makiko Nio (RIKEN) Takashi Higuchi (RCNP, Osaka University) Yukinori Nagatani (KEK IMSS) Amba Pant (KEK IMSS) Hiromi Iinuma (Japan/Ibaraki-University)

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