Long-baseline neutrino oscillation sensitivities with Hyper-Kamiokande

8 Sept 2021, 13:46
Parallel 1

Parallel 1

Oral WG 1


Laura-Iuliana Munteanu (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))


Neutrino oscillation physics is entering the precision measurement
era. The focus of next generation neutrino experiments will be to
determine the parameters governing neutrino oscillations precisely.
The Hyper-Kamiokande experiment, currently under construction in
Japan, includes a long-baseline neutrino oscillations program. Its
main goals will be to determine whether CP violation occurs in
neutrino oscillations and to provide precise neutrino oscillation
parameters. To achieve this, Hyper-Kamiokande will have a large
fiducial volume (8 times that of Super-Kamiokande) and will benefit
from the upgrade of the J-PARC neutrino beam, enabling it to collect an
unprecedented amount of statistics. A thorough knowledge of systematic
effects and powerful near detectors are needed to match this level of
precision. This talk presents the expected sensitivity of
Hyper-Kamiokande to oscillation parameters, notably CP violation,
using a combination of accelerator and atmospheric neutrino information.

Working group WG1


Laura-Iuliana Munteanu (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))

Presentation materials