Beyond Tree Level at Neutrino Experiments

9 Sept 2021, 16:00
Parallel 5

Parallel 5

Oral WG 5


Vedran Brdar (MPIK Heidelberg)


One of the most important achievements in the field of particle physics is the discovery of neutrino oscillations. Despite already awarded Nobel Prize, neutrino oscillation experiments still have a lot to offer, primarily the discovery of CP violation in the lepton sector is anticipated. The parameters entering the expression for neutrino oscillation probabilities are neutrino mixing parameters and mass squared differences. In this talk, we argue that neutrino mixing parameters at production and detection do not necessarily need to be equivalent since such parameters are subject to renormalization group evolution and the process of neutrino production and detection occurs at different energies.In this talk we discuss this in the frame of an UV compete model; in particular we demonstrate that quantum effects can yield relevant observable effects at various neutrino experiments. As an example, we consider high-energy astrophysical neutrinos at IceCube and show that neutron decay production mechanism, that is considered to be strongly disfavored by present data, becomes viable if the significant renormalization group effects are present. We also consider terrestrial experiments and show that the mismatch of neutrino parameters at production and detection can induce large effects at T2K and NOvA.

Working group WG5


Vedran Brdar (MPIK Heidelberg)

Presentation materials