Probing the effects of scalar Non Standard Interactions at Long Baseline Experiments

8 Sept 2021, 16:40
Parallel 5

Parallel 5

Oral WG 5


Mr Abinash Medhi (Tezpur University)


Neutrino oscillations which essentially confirms neutrinos have non zero masses, is the first hint of physics beyond the Standard Model(SM). When neutrinos propagates through matter it interacts with the matter via weak interactions mediating a W or Z bosons. The study of Beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics often comes with some additional unknown coupling of neutrinos called non standard interactions(NSIs). Wolfenstein was the first to point out this type of NSIs of neutrinos with a vector field mediated by a vector boson namely vector NSI. There is also a possibility of neutrinos to couple with scalar field, which can offer rich phenomenology in neutrino oscillations. This scalar NSI effect the neutrino mass matrix instead of appearing as a matter potential. Which makes its effect interesting to probe it further.

In this work, we have explored the effect of scalar NSI at Long Baseline (LBL) Experiment (DUNE). We found that the diagonal elements of scalar NSI matrix can have a significant impact on the oscillation probabilities of DUNE. Also, as it perturbs the neutrino mass term it can fake the CP effect in LBL experiments. As the mass correction scales linearly with the matter density scalar NSI can sense the matter density variation and LBL experiments are an excellent candidate to probe it. In addition, we also put up the possibility of probing it further to various neutrino mass models.

Working group WG5


Mr Abinash Medhi (Tezpur University) Dr Debajyoti Dutta (Assam Don Bosco University) Dr Moon Moon Devi (Tezpur University, India)

Presentation materials