Pablo Fernández Menéndez
(University of Liverpool)
Super-Kamiokande is a 50 kton water Cherenkov detector located in Gifu, Japan. The detector has been running for 25 years in 6 distinct phases: SK-I to SK-V and most recently SK-Gd; in this time, it has accumulated a large dataset of atmospheric neutrinos.
The atmospheric neutrinos detected at Super-K cover a wide range of energies and path lengths and travel through various amounts of Earth’s matter. In addition to making measurements of standard three flavour neutrino oscillation parameters, the data is used to study standard and non-standard matter effects.
In this talk, improvements to the standard atmospheric neutrino analysis and additional non-standard neutrino analysis are presented.
Working group | WG1 |
Mahdi Taani
(King's College London)