Hyperfine Splitting in Muonic Hydrogen (CREMA collaboration)

Not scheduled




Mr Lukas Affolter (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)


Energy levels of muonic hydrogen, the bound state of proton and muon, are very sensitive to the inner structure of the proton. The two-photon exchange contribution can be inferred from the ground-state hyperfine splitting (1S‑HFS), the energy separation of the singlet (F = 0) and triplet (F = 1) spin states. The CREMA collaboration at the Paul Scherrer Institute aims to measure the 1S‑HFS with an accuracy of 1‑2 ppm to extract the two-photon exchange contribution with a relative accuracy of about 100 ppm by means of laser spectroscopy. A custom pulsed laser system is being built, producing 5 mJ pulses at a tunable wavelength around 6.8 μm and a bandwidth of less than 100 MHz. We will present the measurement principle, and show details of our laser and detection system.

Working group WG4


Mr Lukas Affolter (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)

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