WG 2 + WG 6 (WG2 zoom)
- Bryan Joseph Ramson (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
A measurement of the transmission coefficient for neutrons through a thick ($\sim 3$ atoms/b) liquid natural argon target in the energy range 30-70 keV was performed by the Argon Resonance Transmission Interaction Experiment (ARTIE) using a time of flight neutron beam at Los Alamos National Laboratory. In this energy range theory predicts an anti-resonance in the $^{40}$Ar cross section near...
The long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments rely on detailed models of neutrino interactions on nuclei. These models constitute an important source of systematic uncertainty, driven in part because detectors to date have been blind to final state neutrons. We are proposing a three-dimensional projection scintillator tracker as a near detector component in the next generation...
The T2K experiment aims to measure CP violation in the lepton sector and the latest T2K results show that CP symmetry is violated at 90% confidence level. To achieve higher significance in this measurement it is essential to reduce both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The T2K-WAGASCI detectors have been introduced to T2K experiment as new near detectors to reduce the systematic...