The High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), presently being designed by the CMS collaboration to replace the CMS endcap calorimeters for the High Luminosity phase of LHC, will feature six million channels. The requirements for the front-end electronics are extremely challenging, including high dynamic range (0-10 pC), low noise (~2000e- to be able to calibrate on single MIP throughout the...
To meet new TDAQ buffering requirements and withstand the high radiation doses at the high-luminosity LHC, the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter readout electronics will be upgraded. The calorimeter signals are amplified and shaped by analog electronics over a dynamic range of 16 bits, with low noise and excellent linearity. Developments of radiation-hard, low-power preamplifiers and shapers and...
Electronics developments are pursued for the trigger readout of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter for the Phase-I upgrade during the LHC shut-down of 2019-2020. Trigger signals with higher spatial granularity and higher precision are needed in order to improve the identification efficiencies of electrons, photons, tau, jets and missing energy, at high background rejection rates, already at...
HGCAL, presently being designed by CMS to replace the endcap for the High Luminosity LHC, require extremely challenging specifications for the front-end electronics: high dynamic range, low noise, high accuracy time information and low power consumption as well as the need to select and transmit trigger information with a high transverse and longitudinal granularity.
HGCROV-V2 is the second...
We currently developed a new front-end electronics for a liquid argon time projection chamber (LAr-TPC) detector, which has been developed for neutrino oscillation and nuclear decay search experiments.
We developed the electronics (LTARS 2018) to have a wide dynamic range for input charge up to 1600 fC and a function to output a signal with an appropriate time constant for signals having...
This work describes the first experimental results from the characterization of a 32 channels mixed-signal processor developed for the readout of lithium-drifted silicon, Si(Li), detectors of the General AntiParticle Spectrometer (GAPS) experiment to search for dark matter. The instrument is designed for the identification of antideuteron particles from cosmic rays during an Antarctic balloon...
The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC will install a fast, ultralight Inner Tracking System made of monolithic active pixel sensors (ALPIDE) during the ongoing second long shutdown of the LHC (2019-21) to improve upon the present physics measurements and provide insights to new measurements. ALPIDE is based on TowerJazz 180 nm technology and is a result of an intensive R&D programme over the...
The ATLAS Experiment will upgrade its tracking system for the High Luminosity LHC, replacing the existing tracker by an all-silicon Inner Tracker, which consists of a pixel detector surrounded by a strip detector. The forward strip detector is based on wedge shaped strip sensors with varying strip length and pitch. The strips are read out by means of low mass radiation-hard circuits, which are...
The RD53 collaboration is a joint effort between the ATLAS and CMS experiments facing the challenges of developing hybrid pixel readout chips for their Phase-2 upgrades in the HL-LHC (High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider).
A prototype chip, called RD53A, was designed to qualify the chosen 65nm CMOS technology. Among all its features, this large size demonstrator contains design variations...
Precision polarimetry for high energy electron beams is a crucial aspect of the precision physics experiments that are either under construction or planned at facilities such as Jefferson Lab, the EIC (electron-ion collider), or the proposed upgrade for SuperKEKB polarized beam. Compton polarimetry can be implemented as a non-invasive continuous measurement. The technique is well known and has...
The ATLAS monitored drift tube (MDT) chambers are the main component of the precision tracking system in the ATLAS muon spectrometer. The MDT system is capable of measuring the sagitta of muon tracks to an accuracy of 60 μm, which corresponds to a momentum accuracy of about 10% at pT=1 TeV. To cope with large amount of data and high event rate expected from the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)...
The ATLAS collaboration selected Micromegas (MM) technology and small-strip Thin Gap Chambers for the upgrade of the first muon station in the high-rapidity region. The modules of MM and sTGC are being integred at CERN with installation, testing and validation of on-detector electronics & readout chain for a system with more than 2.1 M electronic channels. These include ~4K MM Front-End...
The increase in luminosity during the LHC upgrade programme causes a rise in particle multiplicity and hit occupancy in the LHCb detector. To mitigate this effect for the Ring-Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors, it is proposed to use the photon detector hit time information.
The FPGA in the upgraded RICH detector readout chain includes a programmable time gate, which will be fine-tuned with...
We present recent results of the R&D for a novel 4D fast tracking system based on rad-hard pixel detectors and front-end electronics capable of reconstructing 4-dimensional particle trajectories in real time. The detector features excellent timing resolution of 30 ps, recently measured on a beam test, and 55 micron pitch for the 3D silicon pixel sensor. A stub-based fast tracking algorithm...
We present an integrated analog Front-End (FE) designed in a 65 nm CMOS process optimized for the readout of 6 cm2 Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) tiles. It implements a super-common gate preamplifier followed by a newly introduced 4th order fully-differential complex conjugate pole shaper. The circuit can be programmed for various series-parallel SiPM arrangements and peaking times. It...
The "Ice Ray Sampler X" (IRSX) is a low-power 8-channel waveform sampling frontend ASIC designed for HEP applications, fabricated by TSMC in a 250nm CMOS process. Each input channel samples into a switched capacitor array (SCA) of 32,768 samples depth at an adjustable rate of 2-4GSa/s, for an effective sample buffer depth of 8-16$\mu s$. Stored samples can be digitised with 12bit resolution...
A novel bunch-by-bunch vertical beam size monitor was developed for the SuperKEKB storage rings (e+ and e-) at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan. Each monitor is capable of resolving the pattern of synchrotron radiation from each passing bunch of charge. The nanobeams, which are new for SuperKEKB, produce a 5-15 keV spectrum of X-Rays with a small opening angle. The Si sensor is 75 um thick with 128...
The SCT telescope has been proposed as a medium-sized telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. One of the major upgrades is to fully equip the telescope camera with improved SiPM sensors and a new Front End Electronics Module (FEEM). The new FEEMs aim to read-out and digitize the SiPM pre-amplified signals down to the single photoelectron (phe). This phe signal is assumed equivalent to a...
The capacitive division image readout (C-DIR) is a mechanically and electronically simple charge centroiding readout for single photon imaging detectors such as microchannel plate (MCP) detectors. Its purely capacitive nature endows it with a) very high signal bandwidth allowing MCP-limited time resolution, and b) low capacitance measurement nodes, allowing improved signal to noise charge...
The Hyper-Kamiokande is a next-generation Water Cherenkov detector, of 68 m diameter and 71 m height, for neutrinos physics and proton decay search. We plan to install the front-end electronics (FEEs) under the water and near the PMTs to collect the PMT’s signals with less deterioration in the large detector, and then connect electronics to downstream DAQ with optical fibers. Key design...