US ATLAS Analysis Jamboree: ANL



In the coming months, many institutes will be building their Tier3(g). This Jamboree will serve to introduce US ATLAS members to the environment of the T3g which has been set up according the upcoming recommendations for ATLAS. A model T3g cluster has been set up at ANL ASC and the participants will have a hands-on experience using this cluster. Day 1 (Mar 31, Wed): This day will serve as introductory tutorial for people not yet famililar with ATLAS analysis computing. Day 2 (Apr 1, Thu): The T3g environment will be introduced. Using the interactive part of the cluster for Athena, submission to the Grid, using the local batch queues. Day 3 (Apr 2, Fri): Using the T3g cluster for advanced analysis. EVO Details Title: ANL ATLAS Analysis Jamboree Description: Day 1 31 March Community: ATLAS Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL - Phone Bridge ID: 1764871 Title: ANL ATLAS Analysis Jamboree Description: Day 2 1 Apr Community: ATLAS Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL - Phone Bridge ID: 1764882 Title: ANL ATLAS Analysis Jamboree Description: Day 3 2 Apr Community: ATLAS Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL - Phone Bridge ID: 1764893 EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers: --------------- - USA (Caltech, Pasadena, CA) +1 626 395 2112 - Switzerland (CERN, Geneva) +41 22 76 71400 - USA (BNL, Upton, NY) +1 631 344 6100
more information
    • 1
      Welcome to ANL ASC
      Speaker: Rik Yoshida
    • Beginner's Tutorial 1

      The first day's tutorial will cover starting analyses using ATLAS software. After going through this, a person new to ATLAS should be able to follow the more advanced analyses of actual collision data to be covered on the second day.

      • 2
        Introduction to ATLAS data analysis model
        The overall design of the ATLAS analysis model will be described and discussed. How to access the relevant information for your analysis in the ATLAS data will be described.
        Speaker: Peter Van Gemmeren
      • 3
        Getting started with ATLAS software
        How to start running Athena. --Hello world --Example job to run over AODs and produce plots
        Speaker: Rik Yoshida
      • 4
        Working time
    • 12:00
    • Beginner's Tutorial 2
      • 5
        Example AOD Analysis + Using the Grid
        Advanced AODs analysis with real data. -Examples -Exercises -Submitting jobs to the Grid
        Speaker: Esteban Fullana Torregrosa (Argonne National Laboratory (ANL))
      • 14:20
      • 6
        Working time
        Time to work on examples and exercises presented. ASC personnel will be available for help and consultation.
    • Latest News from LHC and ATLAS
      Atlas Events
      • 7
        Q&A Session
        Speaker: Thomas Le Compte (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • Introduction to ATLAS T3g

      This section introduces the participants to the user interface of
      the new recommended T3g:
      --Using the interactive nodes
      -Running Athena interactively
      -Using Root
      -Getting small data sets off the grid
      -Submitting to the grid using pathena
      --Using the T3g local batch cluster
      -Using Pathena
      -Using ArCond

      • 8
        Tier3g Design and User Interface
        Speaker: Doug Benjamin (Duke University)
      • 9
        T3g Batch system and Pathena
        Speaker: Rik Yoshida
      • 10:10
      • 10
        ArCond: local batch submission
        Speaker: Sergei Chekanov (HEP division (ANL))
      • 11
        Working Time
    • 12:00
    • Working time

      -The afternoon is reserved for working on the T3g cluster.
      -Examples presented in the morning can be used.
      -Try out any job that runs at lxplus, bnl etc. at the T3g

      • 12
        Working time
      • 14:50
      • 13
        Working Time
        Time to try out the examples described during the day. ASC personnel will be available for help and consultation.
    • 18:30
      Jamboree Dinner TBD



    • Advanced Analyses at T3g

      ESD analyses, accessing Conditions data
      DPD analysis using root

      • 14
        Doing ESD analysis at T3g
        Speaker: Belen Salvachua (Argonne National Laboratory (ANL))
      • 15
        DPD analysis using root
        Speaker: Brian Thomas Martin (Department of Physics and Astronomy - Michigan State University)
      • 16
        Root analysis on private ntuple
        Speaker: Doug Benjamin (Duke University)
      • 10:20
      • 17