The second MadAnalysis 5 workshop on LHC recasting @ Korea

Benjamin Fuks (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR)), Eric Conte (Universite de Haute Alsace (FR)), Minho Son, Myeonghun Park (University of Seoul, Department of Physics (KR)), Seung J. Lee (Korea University), Tae Jeong Kim (Hanyang University (KR)), pyungwon ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS))

The second MadAnalysis 5 workshop on LHC recasting @ Korea

This workshop is intended to PhD students, postdocs, junior and more senior researchers who have interests in the development of publicly available tools and methods for the reinterpretation of the results of the LHC. On top of general featured lectures on new physics theories and experimental collider physics, the program includes lectures and practical hands-on sessions on the re-implementation of an LHC analysis in the MadAnalysis 5 framework.

The workshop format aims to form working groups of 4-5 people that will work together, both during the workshop and in the following months, on a specific LHC analysis. The tasks that are assigned to each working group will range from the re-implementation, in the MadAnalysis 5 framework, of the analysis at stake, to its validation and submission to our public analysis database.


Confirmed lecturers:

  • Eric Conte (IPHC, Strasbourg): detector simulations, validation of a recast analysis.
  • Thomas Flacke (IBS, Daejeon): Introduction to compositeness
  • Benjamin Fuks (LPTHE / Sorbonne U., Paris): The problematics of recasting, MadAnalysis 5 for experts in a nutshell
  • Taejeong Kim (Hanyang U., Seoul): Introduction to machine learning for high-energy physicists
  • Pyungwon Ko (KIAS, Seoul): The Standard Model and beyond
  • Richard Ruiz (UC Louvain-la-Neuve): Monte Carlo simulations, jet physics and neutrino physics
  • Jeonghyeon Song (Konkuk U., Seoul): Di-Higgs for new physics
  • Hwidong Yoo (Seoul National University): Experimental physics at the LHC

Tutoring team: Jack Araz (Concordia U., Montreal), Robin Ducrocq (IPHC, Strasbourg), Thomas Flacke (IBS, Daejeon), Si Hyun Jeon (SNU), Richard Ruiz (UC Louvain-la-Neuve), Dipan Sengupta (UC San Diego)

Registration fee:

A registration fee of 100,000 KRW will have to be paid (by cash only).


This workshop is supported by the APCTP,  KIAS and Korea University.

  • Adil Jueid
  • Arnab Dasgupta
  • Benjamin Fuks
  • changhyun yoo
  • Chih-Ting Lu
  • Daekwon Kim
  • Dipan Sengupta
  • Dong Sung Bae
  • Dong Woo Kang
  • Eric CONTE
  • Ho Jang
  • Jack Araz
  • Jehyun Lee
  • Jeongwoo Kim
  • Ji Eun Choi
  • Ji-Yeong Choi
  • Jihun Kim
  • Jin Choi
  • Jiwon Park
  • Jongwon Lim
  • Joon-Bin Lee
  • Juhee Song
  • Kayoung Ban
  • Kihong Park
  • Kyungmin Park
  • Minuk Choi
  • Myeonghun Park
  • Pyungwon Ko
  • Richard Ruiz
  • Robin Ducrocq
  • Seung J. Lee
  • Seunghwan Lee
  • Si Hyun Jeon
  • Soo-Hyun Yun
  • SooJin Lee
  • Tae Jeong Kim
  • Taegyu Lee
  • Tanmoy Mondal
  • Thomas Flacke
  • Ui Min
  • Won Jun
  • Yechan Kang
  • yeonsu ryou
  • Yongsoo Jho